Sexiest Profession....

by BrendaCloutier 48 Replies latest social humour

  • katiekitten

    Sexiest profession....Mathematics teacher - Definately!!

    Everyone gets hot around the collar when they are having their simultaneous equations marked.

  • Nowman

    my husband sells Pella Windows, and I think thats sexy. He works out of our house, so in the early mornings, he works in his boxers, and I think thats sexy. I also hear him talk about the windows to his client base, and I think its sexy how much he knows, and how good he can sell. I guess I just think hes sexy...period.

    Nikki (I hope he thinks I am sexy)

  • mkr32208

    'anneshirley' has a crush on a motorcycle cop...

    Of course I like Nurses!


  • Dansk

    You're ALL wrong! The sexiest profession by far is freelance writing!!

    What do I do?

    Oh! I'm, er, I'm a freelance writer!


  • Ironhead

    My wife thought I looked rather sexy in my navy uniform. Kinky cow!

  • BrendaCloutier

    Hey, Dansk, I must be getting sexy myself, as I've started writing a book, and have 3 more in the wings!

    I'm a lousy writer right now, but that will improve. (I hope)

  • lowden


    I'm a time served CHEF!!

    Also a Personal Trainer too.....which.....some women.....find ....attractive. I'll leave it there shall i?

    Noooo, stop it i'm totally professional in my work.



  • Jourles

    You've got it all wrong! The sexiest, of course, are the part time semi-professional volleyball players...

    Oh, did you mean a profession that can actually pay the bills? Well in that case, uhhhh...I hear telecommunications folks are the shiznit!

  • BrendaCloutier
    Oh, did you mean a profession that can actually pay the bills? Well in that case, uhhhh...I hear telecommunications folks are the shiznit!

    Ummm, are you referring to telemarketers, aka rude telephone sales people that call you up during the day when you're home in bed dying from the flu, or just sitting down to a wonderful roast dinner? A very odd concept of "sexy profession..."

  • katiekitten
    My wife thought I looked rather sexy in my navy uniform

    Tell us about your uniform Ironhead.

    I'm a time served CHEF!!

    Also a Personal Trainer too

    Lowden!!! You know that is cheating! Who can resist a personal trainer that cooks??? No fair.

    Dansk - I find writers sexy. I wouldnt climb over my best friend to give Salman Rushdie one, but he certainly rings all the right bells in my head.

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