The other night during the announcements between the ministry school and service meeting there was a letter read. I pretty much tuned out the whole thing but what did catch my ear was the request that $4.50 per publisher be contributed by each cong. for whatever bogus committee the letter was dealing with (sorry I can’t be more specific, I honestly don’t remember what it was for). I’ve heard these letters before where they demand a contribution amount per the number of publisher. What makes me sick, though, is how much witlesses brag about not “passing the plate” yet they read these letters where money is demanded and the amount is based on the number of publishers. The effect is the same as passing the plate because each witless present feels obligated to contribute his/her $4.50. Is this not hypocritical?
We don't pass the plate, we just demand the $$
by lost_light06 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hey Lost, is this per month, per year or per week?
And how are they going to enforce it? Hmmm? -
I believe it is per month. The congregation as a whole is responsible for contributing, the amount is based on the # of publishers. T hey won’t be walking around to each pub. And asking for the $4.50 but I’m sure that as soon as the cong. checking account dwindles to near nothing they will have a local needs on “giving as much as possible to Jehoover and his earthly borganization.
Did they make a resolution and vote on it? Yearly, the congregation pays a set dollar amount per publisher for the CO/DO health and car insurance. This could be the same thing but I thought it was more around $8.50.
BTW, they don't collect it from the donations to the worldwide work or from individual JWs but from the general congregation fund monies. So they only way not to be part of it is to quit donating altogether to any contribution box at the KH.
It is VERY hypocritical! That was one of the major things that bothered me right before I got out!! It seemed like every service meeting had 10 minutes of some type of 'need more money' talk.
Reefton Jack
It was this sort of talk that was nearly the final straw for me some 15 - 20 years ago.
The WTS was always on about "Materialism" (even though many of the R&F had no idea what the term actually meant!). No one was supposed to have money - except when the congregation needed it, like when they wanted to build a new Kingdom Hall or Assembly Hall.
Then, all those who were told that they should not have money were supposed to suddenly come up with the necessary funds.
If these funds were slow in appearing, then condemnatory talks from the platform followed, until they were!
"Did they make a resolution and vote on it? Yearly, the congregation pays a set dollar amount per publisher for the CO/DO health and car insurance. This could be the same thing but I thought it was more around $8.50."
At my meeting last week they read and passed a resolution to pay $8.50 per publisher for CO/DO health and care insurance. The resolution was to spread the $8.50/publisher out in monthly payments over the course of 12 months. When that was done they read another letter asking for $4.50/publisher for the next year. Again a resolution was passed spreading that payments out over 12 monthly payments. I also can not recall what the purpose of this additional donation was.
"BTW, they don't collect it from the donations to the worldwide work or from individual JWs but from the general congregation fund monies. So they only way not to be part of it is to quit donating altogether to any contribution box at the KH."
Done. In fact, I don't think I ever started donating a single penny... ever. That is with the exception of back when I had to buy my books and mags. At least I got them at half price as a pioneer and could make some coffee break money off the proceeds. That's when there was some small motivation to place the material. -
It's not per month, it's just a one time shakedown for the KHAA. The elders were upset over what happened with the CO resolution ($8.50/publisher), because people were putting the money that was supposed to go into the local cong. fund into the WWW box. So they didn't get enough money and had to "dig into their own pockets". I read this announcement and they wanted me to make sure I harped on people for not putting the money where it was supposed to go.
The voting is all a show anyway. Resolutions are already passed.
I'm tired of this particular complaint.
Organizations need money to operate. Just like taxes. So this is a toothless complaint.
People appreciate knowing what their fare share of expenses would be. That's why the dollar amounts are stated.
Jehovah's Witnesses still don't track each individuals contributions. They don't approach individuals or send out collection notices.
Throughout the western world Religions suck a mere 3% out of the GNP. Tithing? That's what religions wish for.
After I found out how much my father gave to the organization in his life time (he left nothing for his kids but often gave contributions exceeding $25,000) I figure I pretty much am covered.
The contributions from the KH to the WTS are not enuff for the WTS to provide health insurance for the CO and DO? REALLY? they demand that each and every publisher pay extra....what Nonsense! What is the WTS doing with the 2 billion it receives every year from the KH's?