Going to college is an excellent piece of advice. When I was 17/18 I had no idea how easy it was to get school loans - I thought that since I didn't have the money (and my parents were certainly not going to pay for it) - then I had no option, so I didn't go to college.
I did eventually get to college (I graduate in 6 months) - but it took me years. If I had only known I could get funding for college I would have left right out of high school.
You can get information from any college on-line site (check out your state college) - or check out http://studentloan.citibank.com/slcsite/ - my son just got a loan there to help cover his tuition. It's low interest, and he doesn't have to make payments until after he graduates. Even then the payments are very low -only around $150 a month. Definately doable!
You have your whole life ahead of you - and in this current business world it is next to impossible to make a good career without that degree. In addition - you will be amazed at how much your mind is opened up to new ideas and views when you are exposed to other cultures, opinions, and experiences.