The end times and big announcements

by restrangled 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    For anyone of us familiar with this religion.....we were taught no one knows the day or the hour. Now should that be a 7000 year day, 1000 year day or 24 hour day, and any predictions concerning this or assuming knowledge of any sort would be exposing them selves as false prophets.

    The WBTS likely to whip up a frenzy of one sort or another due to clever rhetoric is typical, but all of us "out" know better. It usually happens in the fall, ......just like this year.

    No one here needs to hold their breath. If we still believe any of it, it was suppose to come like a thief in the night ...any annoucements negates any bible prophecy. Big announcements or "warnings" are bogus as far as I am concerned.

    What do you think?


  • wannaexit

    they have cried "wolf" one too many times. How can anyone take them seriously.


  • jaguarbass

    I think these big announcements are identifying marks of a false prophet. Like a loud bell to wake the sleeping ignorant from their slumber.

  • Geko_man

    I agree with Restrangled, the bible clearly states that The Big A will come like a thief in the night, and that no one knows the time or the hour.... As far as i'm concered this would include the guys in bethel pulling the strings. They're not told in advanced when it's going to happen, and yet they keep feeding the masses and incinuating that they have the knowledge and the Big A is right around the corner, but never giving specifics... The only way i can look at JW org now is basically as a damn good con-artist, and the one thing that always happens in the end with a good con-artist, whoever gets sucked into their sham always ends up worse off, usually losing everything that they've worked so hard for only to find out it was all a waste of time... I've cut my losses and got out, hope others can see through the smoke and mirrors too.

  • Outaservice

    Dog gone it! It's just so hard to get God to do what he is suppose to do! He keeps making us look so bad!


    Watchtower Society

  • Frank75

    They will likely pinpoint the time a little tighter, say......October 4/5

    (Maybe only oldtimers will recognize that crap)


  • Arthur

    I don't think there is going to be any kind of prediction. I think that it is going to be an internal change in the Society or in the congregation arrangement. Remember 1990? This is when we were told of a "major announcement going to be made to the friends world wide". This was merely the change to the donation arrangement. I don't think that they are dumb enough to reenact 1975.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    It's a familiar trick by the org, keep the dubs onside by telling them something big is on the horizon. It'll be nothing new under the sun, as usual.

    Hi geko man, and welcome to the board

  • delilah

    I've always said, that the bible says, "no-one knows the day or the hour, not even the son".........SOoooo, why is it, these lowly men have claimed to know???

    Sounds to me, like they're doing it again, only WITHOUT saying it in so many words!!??! What a croc!!!!

  • blondie
    You have no idea when the Son of Man is going to show up.
    for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.

    Always be ready! You don't know when the Son of Man will come.

    But the NWT version is even better

    (Matthew 24:44) . . .On this account YOU too prove yourselves ready, because at an hour that YOU do not think to be it, the Son of man is coming.

    (just before the WTS oft-quoted scripture re the FDS)

    I call this the Heisenberg principle of prophecy.



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