Best wrong number ever!

by Nosferatu 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    Sometimes, it's nice to get a reminder that there are people out there who are crazier than my parents. This was one of those times.

    This morning, I was brushing my teeth when the phone rang. Now, when someone phones at 6:45am, it's usually pretty important. So, I go over and look at the caller I.D. The name "Kruch" was staring me in the face. I seem to recall recieving calls from this number before.


    "Hi, is Alneau there?"

    "I think you have the wrong number"

    "Are you sure?"

    "Yes, I'm pretty sure."

    "Because I'm about to call the police!"

    The shaking voice at the other end was an old lady. Since I'm about to have the police called on me, I'm intrigued!

    "Um, why are you going to call the police?"

    "Because someone is playing their clarinet too loud!"

    LMAO!!! I haven't played clarinet since junior high!

    "Well, I don't own a clarinet."

    "Well, it's a horn of some sort. There's a noise by-law you know!" <click>

    The bitch hung up on me. However, that was the most amusing wrong number I ever had! It beats all the messages I had on my answering machine for a Mr. Johnston who was supposed to call his lawyer about the charges that have been laid against him.

    I hope Mrs. Kruch phones again. Maybe I'll pretend to be God on the other end of the "heavenly hotline" or something :smile:

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    That was funny. I've never gotten one quite like that.

    But one time this lady calls my folks home and asks for "________". Since that was my Dad's name I assumed she was asking for him. I told her he wasn't there but was out shopping. She asked who I was and when I told her, she screamed very angrily "His SON?!" and hung up. I wonder if she realized she dialed a wrong number before blowing up in that guy's face.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    That was quite funny Nos.

    We have the odd wrong number call from people on the South Coast, because the std code for that area is almost identical to ours, but not as funny as that. In fact, most of them are quite abrupt when we inform them of their error.

    Reminds me of people I used to associate with.

  • Ironhead

    I'm laughing so hard, now my side is hurting.

  • target

    I had the message from some guy's parole officer telling him that if he did not check in that very day, he would be going to jail.

    Then there was the woman who would get drunk in some bar and call my number, insisting it was some guy she was hot after. Of course it would be late at night. After this happened several times, I ripped into her and told her that if she ever called my number again, I was coming down to the bar and kicking her ass. Never got a call again. That was back before caller ID and I did not know what bar she was in, but I guess she did not know that.


  • target

    Back in the old days when telemarketers could call freely, I would tell them my husband had just run off with another women, I had not job and all these kids to feed......

    They never knew quite what to say. They stopped trying to sell me whatever it was they were selling.


  • Sunspot

    That was funny Nos! You just never know ho is going to be on the other end of the phone sometimes!

    I had an older (yup---older than ME) lady call thinking mine was a number listed in the local paper for something being sold. When I said my last name and that she had misdialed one number, she and I got into a lengthy conversation about some people who lived in this area.

    She had recently moved back here and was asking about what businesses were closed down and who had built new stores, etc and a whole mess of other things---nothing personal where I would feel threatened or anything like that. She was very pleasant and very chatty and obviously had no one to talk to. We had a lot in common and talked like old friends for close to an hour, LOL!

    Hubby had walked in during this conversation and asked who I had been talking to.....when he found out it was a WRONG NUMBER.....he roared with laughter! He's been telling people ever since that his wife is the ONLY one he'd ever heard of who will talk to a wrong number for an hour!

  • Crumpet

    Hubby had walked in during this conversation and asked who I had been talking to.....when he found out it was a WRONG NUMBER.....he roared with laughter! He's been telling people ever since that his wife is the ONLY one he'd ever heard of who will talk to a wrong number for an hour!
    Sunspot - that is such a cute story - really made me smile you lovely woman!

  • RichieRich

    my grandparents phone number is one digit off from the local magistrates.

    Often, at the oddest times, people will call, asking how much bail is, blah blah blah.

    My grandparents are nice about it, and they handle it quite well.

    If me or another family member is there though, we will mess with the caller, teliing them they can't come get their son/boyfriend out, etc and we have tons of fun making up fake reasons as to why!.

  • candidlynuts

    if a number shows up on my caller id that i dont recognize (usually telemarketers) i answer the phone " Pizza Hut! will this be carry out or delivery?"



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