Sometimes, it's nice to get a reminder that there are people out there who are crazier than my parents. This was one of those times.
This morning, I was brushing my teeth when the phone rang. Now, when someone phones at 6:45am, it's usually pretty important. So, I go over and look at the caller I.D. The name "Kruch" was staring me in the face. I seem to recall recieving calls from this number before.
"Hi, is Alneau there?"
"I think you have the wrong number"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm pretty sure."
"Because I'm about to call the police!"
The shaking voice at the other end was an old lady. Since I'm about to have the police called on me, I'm intrigued!
"Um, why are you going to call the police?"
"Because someone is playing their clarinet too loud!"
LMAO!!! I haven't played clarinet since junior high!
"Well, I don't own a clarinet."
"Well, it's a horn of some sort. There's a noise by-law you know!" <click>
The bitch hung up on me. However, that was the most amusing wrong number I ever had! It beats all the messages I had on my answering machine for a Mr. Johnston who was supposed to call his lawyer about the charges that have been laid against him.
I hope Mrs. Kruch phones again. Maybe I'll pretend to be God on the other end of the "heavenly hotline" or something