Yes, plenty of times. However, much had to do with petty and trivial matters. For example...
"How come the Society scheduled our CA and DC within a month from each other?"
"Isn't it odd that all the Bethel facilities are more than well to do when in light of basic functionality? Why do they use our donations to make fine Spanish wood mahogany contribution boxes in Bethal lobbies?"
"Weren't you surprised when all of a sudden during the last part of the meal (while invited to eat at Bethel), everyone would drop their utensils on some sort of que, quickly stand up in unison, and then end the meal with a prayer. Everything was perfectly timed with utmost precision. It looked as if this was a cult!"
Yes my dear fellow board members, "it looked as if this was a cult" was said to me at Bethel by a fellow guest JW.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)