Have you ever fallen asleep while praying?

by JH 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    I don't know about you guys, but I never pray before eating and never pray before going to bed.

    First of all I like a hot meal, so I don't pray before eating, and I also never pray before going to bed, because I might fall alseep before I say amen. Been there done that...

  • earthtone

    All the freakin time. But I guess it doesn't help to do it while your laying in bed! lol.

  • Mysterious

    Yep that used to happen to me a lot. I think the old school churches got it right when they advocate kneeling beside the bed.

  • tijkmo

    haha..i used to do a routine in a public talk about falling asleep while praying..twas funny

  • whyamihere

    YES! I wasn't really spiritual or anything. I guess it was just asking for forgiveness, and it took awhile to think of all that I did that week

    Oh Lord Jehovah, you know what I did(giggle), I knew it was wrong but I did it anyway - and I will probably do it again. Oh come on, it was fun, you would do it too! Well anyway Yay God! In Jesus name Amen. Zzzzzzzzzzzz.

  • greendawn

    I haven't prayed vocally for a long time but I can't recall ever falling asleep. Mental praying is the real thing.

  • shera

    Just about everytime I went to bed...ZzzzZzzz

  • okie46

    yes, used to joke that I prayed all night long

  • blondie

    I never worried; I figured God knew what was in my mind and heart. I always figured prayer was for the benefit of people not God.

    When I was little I remember an older brother who had nodded off to sleep during the public talk. His wife elbowed him and he thought it was time to say the prayer so he stood up and started praying right during the talk.

    Another time a brother had nodded off so the brother from the platform called out his name....yup, that sleeping brother jumped up and started saying a prayer.

    Another time a brother known to give long prayers, was praying away, when we all heard a snore come from the back row. A little boy had fallen asleep.

  • serendipity

    Yes, I did, when I said my "proper" JW prayers. Now, my prayers are more heartfelt and I'm able to stay awake.

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