...JWs believe any bad press they get is untrue because satan is behind it or something like that...
Well... this just goes back to my question that I always had - even as a JW...
In JW-Land, when something goes right - (I.E. they get a new car - 'for service'), they always give Jehovah the credit.
When something goes wrong - (I.E. illness that keeps them from meetings) - they always blame 'satan'.
My question was... what if it is 'satan' that is giving them the car - as a 'test' like in Job's day?
Or... if they become ill - what if it is Jehovah that is doing it - to perhaps try to help save their life - or something?
It gets very confusing... but all I ever got were 'bobble-heads' and 'Jehovah will provide' type answers.
Jim TX