This is my first post so I guess that means I am not a lurker anymore.
I have been inactive for nearly 2 years now, but recently my teenage neice was DF'd. She has moved out of home with another DF'd girlfriend of the same age. I know she is getting a lot of pressure from my family to come back, and of course she would be feeling very alienated and probably confused. She tells me she is fine and that she will never go back, but I wonder how well she will deal with the pressure and with the entire extended family of uncles, aunties, grandparents and sibling ignoring her. Only her parents are talking to her and they refuse to help her out financially in the hope that the hardship will cause her to rethink her actions. I know she moved out because she couldn't handle the pressure form her parents, but I worry that she will do something stupid without some guidance from her parents.
I have never been really close to her but I want to help her any way I can to know she is right about leaving the org. I know I was really confused when I first got out but I am not sure if it would be more or less confusing for someone a lot younger.
Anyway any advice on what I could do to help her would be appreciated.