Well i have some expertise in this field. I have to ask though what ARE your reasons for leaving , and what has made you come to this decision to Disassociate yourself? 1) If your in your late teens early twenties and not living at home , do whatever you want. In this case its my opinion that its best just to stop going and leave it at that and not write a Disassociation letter , see you can write down strong points on how you feel and see things , but you know that they would never read that to the congregation. After you write such a letter be prepared that the elders WILL call on you in attempt to see if they can help and draw you back into the congregation. If you still refuse the elders will make a short statement ( Usually during the Service meeting , During Announcement time ) and and elder will go to the platform and simply state " Brother or Sister so and So has VOLUNTARILY disassociated themsleves from the christian congregation of Jehovahs Witnesses." And they will leave it at that. They wont read your letter , they will only see it as someone who has lost faith and the letter will be taken as non-snese. 2) If your say 16 ( or a little younger or older ) still living at home , and the only reason you are going to the Hall is because your parents force you to go , that not good either. If your just going and parking your body their and your heart is not in it , then you should sit down with your parents and straight out tell them that you do not want to go to the hall anymore and state your case , it will be hard to do so but that would be the best. See from when I was going to the Kingdom Hall , the congregation looks at people who Disassociate themselves worse than someone who is Disfellowshipped , because that person chose on their own to leave and cut off " God people " from the life them selves. So in my opinon it is best just to stop going ( if thats what you really want to do ) and then instead of writting to the Elders , talk to your parents instead and tell THEM the reasons why you dont want to go anymore. But this is just advice , do what you want with it. And good luck to you in the future.
Disassociation letter2
by Suzie 23 Replies latest jw friends
Wow, the newbies showed up in this thread. Welcome baba, jessi and iman!
If you still refuse the elders will make a short statement ( Usually during the Service meeting , During Announcement time ) and and elder will go to the platform and simply state " Brother or Sister so and So has VOLUNTARILY disassociated themselves from the christian congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses." And they will leave it at that.
Iman...Welcome to JWD....However I believe the announcement made now is simply....(name) is no longer one of jehovah's witnesses.
They make the EXACT same announcement if you are DF'ed or DA'ed.
My thought is why give them any "power" by writing a letter. I would just ignore them and treat them like a non event.
Having said that everyone must choose his own path.
What I didn't say to him was that I wasn't playing the society's reindeer games AT ALL
I absolutely agree with you that's 100% how I felt about it! My wife on the other hand feels like she should send the letter just for closure so who knows just do whats right for YOU!