Is it a concious matter?

by ButtLight 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ButtLight
    Everything is a conscience matter . . . the only question is . . . who owns your (or their) conscience

    . You are so right there. I guess I was lucky that they made the choice to have me over for dinner, and fun even though they shouldnt have. As far as the rest of the family goes, I really havnt talked to most of them since I was 18, so it didnt bother me as much.

    I know some have it alot harder than I ever did, and that is so sad. All my life I always wondered why a loving god would want you to shun your own family!

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    When I was "Joe" elder I always figured that if it was a close family member it was a "hands off" matter. There is no way of knowing what is "necessary family business" to an outsider. Plus inside I believed it was all a bunch of crap. The "close family member" thing can play both ways, the smart ones know how to use it without consequences. I'd seen youngsters, (17 or so who were living on thier own) with mental illness DF'd that other elders expected parents not to have contact with. These kids needed meds and help from thier family. Including family that didn't "LIVE" with them. I took issue with this and told the family to do what the hell they thought was right. Thank goodness they blew off the other elder's advice and treated thier child with the love they deserved. One couple invited thier son to live with them again.

    Here's hoping all your family members use it to your advantage, you DF'd ones. (sane and insane, lol) !!!!!


  • Seeker4

    Conscience Matter = Whatever the WTS tells you to do.

    Concious Matter? Most JWs aren't really concious!


  • sspo

    1 cor 5:10,11 one scripture interpreted by one single man.....Fred Franz......a man locked up at at Bethel with hardly any family has literally destroyed family relationship all over the world.

    Hitler or Fred Franz who has done more damage to humanity?

  • mkr32208

    I dunno Richie... I always try to put the shunning on THEM! I tell people that I see who ask me about "which hall are you going to" and crap like that you know that when you say NONE they will shun you from then on out. So I always say something like "if you ever want to contact me please feel free!" Or "I just want you to know that no matter what I won't hold a grudge against you or be mad..." Now if it's someone who's a dick...

    I've had several friends look me up that have gotten out. If I had taken your stance I don't think they would have. I think telling your mom "I still love you and am still your son, you can shun me if you feel you must but know that NO MATTER WHAT I'm still here for YOU"

    Toss the guilt back on HER make her examine HER beliefs...

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    From what I understand they have lightened up on this a bit, but continue to sound the warning of 'spiritual contamination'. In the end most WTS followers will take the 'better safe than sorry' road, and keep far away from such ones.
    They give the idea in the publications that they have loosened up a bit, but I think this is more for show. Just check out what they say regarding shunning members on their website

    Do you shun former members?

    Those who become inactive in the congregation, perhaps even drifting away from association with fellow believers, are not shunned. In fact, special effort is made to reach out to them and rekindle their spiritual interest. If, however, someone unrepentantly practices serious sins, such as drunkenness, stealing or adultery, he will be disfellowshipped and such an individual is avoided by former fellow-worshipers. Every effort is made to help wrongdoers. But if they are unrepentant, the congregation needs to be protected from their influence. The Bible clearly states: 'Remove the wicked man from among yourselves.' (1 Corinthians 5:13) Those who formally say they do not want to be part of the organization any more are also avoided. What of a man who is disfellowshipped but whose wife and children are still Jehovah's Witnesses? The spiritual ties he had with his family change, but blood ties remain. The marriage relationship and normal family affections and dealings can continue. As for disfellowshipped relatives not living in the same household, Jehovah's Witnesses apply the Bible's counsel: "Quit mixing with them." (1 Corinthians 5:11) Disfellowshipped individuals may continue to attend religious services and, if they wish, they may receive spiritual counsel from the elders with a view to their being restored. They are always welcome to return to the faith if they reject the improper course of conduct for which they were disfellowshipped.

    Notice how they don't start out by saying yes or no but instead go into a long ramble. In the old days they would be much more up front about this kind of stuff, but times are changing.

  • iamfreenow

    I don't know about other areas, but I can assure you this is not a conscience matter in my comgregation, and never has been. I have just disassociated, and the first person to phone me after the announcement was my son. He rang to inform me that he and his family would now be shunning me, and on no account would I have access to my two grandchildren, except in an emergency.

    I suppose it may vary from congregation to congregation, but the shunning policy is still rigidly enforced, generally speaking.

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