Following the thread about the NATURE QUOTE,anyone know of any other similiar quotes by wt?
by badboy 13 Replies latest jw friends
Yes, there's a whole slew of them in the booklet "How Can Blood Save Your Life?" You can read about it in a scholarly article called "Jehovah's Witnesses, Blood Transfusions, and the Tort of Misrepresentation." Here's the link.
It makes my blood boil.
big red
This is pathetic.
To think I would have let my kids die. Shame on me.
In January 1929 the Jehovah's Witnesses Golden Age literature said, "Thinking people would rather have smallpox than vaccination, because the latter sows seeds of syphilis, cancers, eczema, erysipelas, scrofula, consumption, even leprosy and many other loathsome affections. Hence the practice of vaccinations is a crime, an outrage, and a delusion."
February 1931 the Jehovah's Witnesses Golden Age literature said, "Vaccination is a direct violation of the everlasting covenant that God made with Noah after the flood. Vaccination never saved human life. It does not prevent smallpox."
w95 1/1 p. 8 Triumphing Over Satan and His Works ***Outstanding is the example of our brothers in Poland, as described in the 1994 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Even youngsters were called upon to prove themselves integrity keepers. In 1946 one such was a 15-year-old girl who was told: "Just make the Catholic sign of the cross. Otherwise a bullet awaits you!" Keeping integrity, she was dragged into a forest, horribly tortured, and shot. (they encourage people to sacrifice their lives, not by obeying God, but by obeying stupid rules that the Governing Body has dreamed up).
They encourage wives to stay with abusive husbands:
w82 7/15 p. 7 How Marriage Survives the Assault ***A husband in Korea used to beat his wife when he was under the influence of alcohol. His wife did not seek to end the relationship, even though life was difficult. To her, the goal of a happy marriage was worth aiming for. Hence, unilaterally, she followed the Bible’s counsel, particularly its advice to wives that they cultivate "the quiet and mild spirit, which is of great value in the eyes of God."—1 Peter 3:4.
For eleven years she endured. Was it worth it? Yes, because eventually her husband was moved to look into the guidebook for himself. Why? If you asked him, he would answer that his wife’s "quiet and mild spirit" moved him to find out the secret of her fine conduct. He saw the wisdom of the Bible’s advice and changed his ways.
I'm glad I could finally read that Kerry-Louderback Wood article. No wonder they had to scramble and come out with that Awake this summer!
I remember another thread on blood floating around here, and some of the points really made sense:
1. The Bible says that eating blood is wrong. But even if there is some blood left in the meat, that's okay because you've drained most of it. So I guess as long as you don't eat too much blood, that's okay...?
2. JWs argue that taking a blood transfusion is the same as consuming it. But if this were true, could you transfuse blood into a starving person and expect that person to live? Why doesn't your body consume your own blood when you are starving? It's because the blood is used for transportation of nutrients, oxygen, and waste--not for nutritional benefit.
3. Is injecting something into your veins the same as consuming it? I hear jokes that people make, that they wish food or alcohol could be injected directly into the veins. But this doesn't make any sense: if injecting (liquified) food into your veins were the same as consuming it, then why would we have a digestive system at all? Anything injected directly into the veins does not go through the digestive process, and therefore does not yield any nutritional benefits. Blood carries oxygen, but if you were to inject sufficient oxygen into someone's veins, they would suffer a heart attack and probably die. Blood cannot break food down into its nutritional elements; it can only work with the end result of digestion. If you were to literally eat blood, then that blood would be broken down by the digestive process and then distributed through the circulatory system.
4. JWs argue that blood taken outside the body cannot be put back in. If this is the case, then why allow the use of fractions for JWs at all? You're using fractions of someone else's blood that has been taken from outside of their body. So let me get this straight: taking fractions of someone else's blood (that has been stored outside the body) is okay, but giving yourself your own stored blood is wrong. Furthermore, the JW is not allowed to donate blood. How can this greedy attitude be justified? The inconsistencies are truly staggering.
*** w82 7/15 p. 7 How Marriage Survives the Assault ***
A husband in Korea used to beat his wife when he was under the influence of alcohol. His wife did not seek to end the relationship, even though life was difficult. To her, the goal of a happy marriage was worth aiming for. Hence, unilaterally, she followed the Bible’s counsel, particularly its advice to wives that they cultivate "the quiet and mild spirit, which is of great value in the eyes of God."—1 Peter 3:4.
For eleven years she endured. Was it worth it? Yes, because eventually her husband was moved to look into the guidebook for himself. Why? If you asked him, he would answer that his wife’s "quiet and mild spirit" moved him to find out the secret of her fine conduct. He saw the wisdom of the Bible’s advice and changed his ways.
Notice that it never says he stopped beating her. -
anyone that stupid almost deserves to be beaten! I felt like hitting her just reading the stupid article!!
PS (just kiddin'.....)
How about the fact that the bible clearly says that if you ate meat with blood in it because you were starving it was a minor sin because LIFE is more important than the SYMBOL of life! Also if you WEREN'T starving you couldn't eat it but it was FINE to SELL it to someone who DIDN'T KNOW! LOL!