One of my friends parents referred to us (my sweetie and I) as "New Wave" Apostates. Has anyone else heard this term, been referred to as one? I was just wondering if this is a new attempt to squash critical thinking? Well, the good part is we are also confirmed (in our old circuit, NY22a)or known apostates! Wahoo. I think that means that we will be hosting an Apostafest in Upstate NY soon. Details, comments, reactions?
Has anyone else been referred to as a "New Wave Apostate"
by 30girl 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I've heard of "One Finger Salute" apostates, but not "New Wave".
Did they say anything about what they actually meant? What were they getting at as the different between the old-style apostates and yourselves?
What were they getting at as the different between the old-style apostates and yourselves?
Hang on now! If there are old style and new style apostates, does that mean the new style "apostasized" from the old style? Then apostates would have apostates.
::One of my friends parents referred to us (my sweetie and I) as "New Wave" Apostates.
Are your friends parents witnesses? Thats very odd, I have never heard of "New Wave" apostates before. I wonder exactly what they meant by that. -
"New Wave?" So when did it start? How are they different from--I'm guessing--old school apostates?
I doubt whoever gave you that moniker knew what they were talking about.
Does it have anything to do with the internet?
Hey you, Old school or New wave I'm just glad we are out of the nut hut.
BTW - 30girl is my sweetie -
JimWood thinks perhaps I misunderstood and that she meant that there is a new wave of apostates coming through...whatever the case she's a former pioneer/elders wife who rarely attends meetings now but likes to stick her nose into everyone's business. I have to think that she is also referring to the internet and what Satanic people use it for. I know just last night we had to sacrifice our black cat because it was the last Tuesday of the month. That altar really is getting hard to explain to the neighborhood kids. It's also getting increasingly difficult to explain where are pets are disappearing to.
Ummmm....I had an Old Style at the Sox's game the other day! I am looking for my dog...... did you happen to see him?