terrorist tragedy and silent lambs

by wasasister 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • wasasister

    Dear Friends:
    I've hesitated to bring this up before, lest it sound heartless, however:

    Will the overwhelming media attention generated by last Tuesdays events and the eminent threat of war divert attention away from the importance of the upcoming Dateline expose? If the world media is completely focused on the unfolding events of this conflict, I worry that a story about a little-known religious group harboring pedophiles may be overlooked.

    While I understand the global and immediate impact of this tragedy, the plight of Silent Lambs should not be diminished.

    SL: have you been in touch with your sources since this happened?

  • Tina

    Hi wasa,
    That thought entered my mind as well. Thanks for bringing it up! hugs&luv,T

    Carl Sagan on balancing openness to new ideas with skeptical scrutiny..."if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense-you cannot distinguish useful ideas from worthless ones."

  • teejay

    The relevance, the overall importance of EVERY OTHER news worthy story or event, has been weakened since NYC. As people return to a semblance of normalcy, a general interest in life will return. It just won't be as great as it might have been. The next generation will still feel the impact of what has happened, I'm afraid. It will remain as a cloud over everything we do for a very long time.

    We have only so much emotional strength and capacity, and a good measure of it has been drained from us since Tuesday. Imo.

  • AlanF

    Of course attention will be diverted from the Dateline expose, just as it should be. Plenty of other things will fade from sight for awhile, too, but when things settle down, attention will be focused again on the smaller issues.


  • waiting

    I notice this morning that there is a return to "normal" tv on most stations.

    As tj said, it will take time - and it makes sense. This tragedy far outweighs in deaths, destruction, money, impact, than the plight of a small religious denomination's children. And not all their children - a small percentage.

    Sound heartless? Yeah, but society sometimes is as the events of time unfold. Did molesters continue during WWII? Yep. Did people hear about them or become outraged as a populace? Don't remember anything much. But they did continue, they always do.

    Hopefully, there will continue to be a calming down and a starting to focus on other matters. Unless a *real war* starts. Then all bets are off.

    *shrug* -- who knows?


  • Tatiana

    Maybe they can postpone the Dateline show until events have calmed down a little. I see they're doing this with lots of other shows on TV. Maybe the people who are directly involved can contact them with their concerns.


    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • Tallyman


    Sure those who were in the spotlight are now in the shadows.

    Gary Condit.
    Gary Condit who?
    Chandra...uhm, what was her last name?
    ...yet this was the news story which had been airing all summer.

    I think now's the time to link the Watchtower Society
    with all the other "Death To America!" groups and show that they
    are of a very like mind and worldview as the network of Terrorists
    who struck Tuesday in the name of their murdergod, and following his
    orders as Fanatical Fundamentalist Theocrats.

    "Recognize and Join Our Theocracy, or Die!" is their message.

    Hezbollah, Hamas, Watchtower, ... same message, slightly different wording.

    I maintain the Watchtower Society has a Global Terror Network in place and is more Organized than all the rest of these groups put together.

    They are only more subtle in their terror.


  • teejay

    Hopefully, there will continue to be a calming down and a starting to focus on other matters. Unless a *real war* starts. Then all bets are off.

    Then I wouldn't be 'betting,' waiting. The ground is already rumbling from the movement of rallying columns of troops and the readying of heaving machinery. The cresting waves are high, following behind the aircraft carriers and battle groups being moved into position on the high seas.

    A *real* war is coming, make no mistake, and it will be long and ugly. My simple prayer is simply: Please, Dear Future, make me wrong... for my daughter, if not for me.

  • sf

    "...now's the time to link the Watchtower Society
    with all the other "Death To America!" groups and show that they
    are of a very like mind and worldview as the network of Terrorists
    who struck Tuesday in the name of their murdergod, and following his
    orders as Fanatical Fundamentalist Theocrats."

    I fully cocur here.

    "Watchtower Society has a Global Terror Network in place and is more Organized than all the rest of these groups put together."

    "They are only more subtle in their terror."

    I fully concur here as well.

    sKally, WWW klass

  • Satanus


    You are 100 percent accurate, tallyman. The wt is every bit a terrorist org, only they are 'passive'. They want someone else, the hebrew fire elemental, yhwh, to do it while they sit back and cheer.


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