Take Me Back, Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry

by Englishman 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    Well, today is Sunday which means it's the Watchtower Study. Yipee!

    Seriously there, folks, I just bet that there are record attendances today as all the Fringers and Umperty-Jumps scuttle back to their KH's in terror of having made a wrong decision. Take me back Baby! By next week the numbers will have dropped, give it another week or two and all will be relatively normal unless some threat of nukes takes place, which should send the attendances sky-high again.

    I wonder how long it will be before "The ships of Kittim" become symbolic passenger planes? Watch this space!

    Meanwhile, good people, Stay Alive 'til 75!


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • Satanus


    Love it.

    Actually, i went through a short stage of that.


  • Farkel

    Isn't it sad that the WTS leads a religion whose only commodity is offering to replace one form of human misery and disappointment for what turns out to be just another form of human misery and disappointment?


    "When in doubt, duck!"

  • WildHorses


    No worry of me going back, EVER! I will rely on Jesus as my saviour and not a group of old men in Brooklyn. Mere men can not save me, only God can.


  • Winston

    Like dogs returning to their vomit. To see if it's ready to eat yet.

    How long have you LIVED and how long has God LIVED?
    1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 to .000000000000000000000000000000001
    Who is like God?
  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas


    New from The Watchtower Bible & Snack Society:


    Low fat!!!

    Pre-digested (partially)!!!!

    Many delicious flavors in each chip!!!

    Don't worry about freshness!!

    As good now as they'll be 1,000 years from now!

    Buy 'em by the bucket! Great for assemblies!

    Wash 'em down with our home-brewed beers -
    Bethel Light or Bethel NEW Light!

    *No muss! no fuss! this food snack has been pre-prayed for your snacking convenience.

  • dmouse

    Yes, even a confirmed atheist like myself nearly succumbed to the lure of it all.
    Deep breath and THINK about it…still a load of bollocks.
    OK, got a grip now.
    Jeez, this spiritual stuff sure has power when fear of the dark returns.

  • DannyBear


    I liked this ***Jeez, this spiritual stuff sure has power when fear of the dark returns.***

    Godly devotion, wrath of the almighty, salvation of the glorious ones, everlating life, sons of god, the earth trembles at his word, sanctify his name, rejoice the end is near, starting to feel the power yet?

    All fundy christian, non-christian, use words and phrases, that do just that, convey power to expressions. If they did not use such dramaticaly enhanced hyperbole, they would not motivate a mouse to flee from the cat!


  • Preston

    My mom said at the meeting today there was a special announcement that many innactive, DA'd, and DF'd JW's are journeying back to the congregation in droves asking to study again. I just think it's sad that they haven't received any encouragament elsewhere, and now they have to go back to the elders.... *SHUDDER*.... During a tragedy like this, I get more encouragement from the people just wanting to do something, but can't becuase there has just been such an influx of volunteerism (albeit temporary). Personally, I wanted to give blood but I won't be able to. Now these ex-ex-JW's have to deal with disappointment all over again. Sad....

  • Englishman


    ...which all goes to prove that people only become JW's out of fear! So, JW's use fear to keep them in! Fear of abandonment, fear of losing your family through DF'ing, fear of death.

    Yup, when the going gets tough, the weak go back to the KH!


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

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