Having an angioplasty in the morning....

by crazyblondeb 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • crazyblondeb

    Ok, I'll admit, nurse's are the worst patients ever, especially me!! Went to the dr. for my test results this afternoon. They found a blood clot. I'm suppose to have the angioplasty first thing in the morning. They even bumped up everyone else. I'm tooooo young for this shit. The stress of my dad's death finally got to me. I don't, and I mean DON'T want to go. If they put in a stent they say I'm stuck in the hospital. I HATE doctors, nurses, and hospitals. Unless of course, I'm working!!!

    OK, done ranting and raving for now.


  • blondie

    Be glad they found it now and can do something about it. It doesn't always work out that way.

    Being a nurse, you know how to be a good patient and how to converse with the doctors, eh?

    May things go well.


  • crazyblondeb

    Yea, I sure do know how to converse with them. I tell them what I want, and they do it!! Oh, and my JW mom is already starting in with the blood thing. She KNOWS I'll take blood if I have to. I'll sign the permits, and there ain't a damn thing she can do. Plus, my daughter knows where I stand. I'm sure it won't come to that, though! I told her not to come and stay at work!!

  • BabaYaga

    Hugs, Strength, and HEALING to you!!!

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    Best wishes, crazyblondeb! You are in my thoughts!!!

  • juni

    Good evening Shelley.

    I will be thinking of you tomorrow. A Dr. once told me that also that Drs. and nurses make the worst patients.

    As Blondie said, it's good that they found the clot now to take care of it.

    Hugs with love,


  • okie46

    Oh Shelley, I am glad they found out, but it must be scary. I will be thinking of you and hope you are back to kicking ass soon! Best wishes kiddo.

  • monkeyshine

    Everything will be OK CBB. My heart's out for you.

  • lovelylil

    I will keep you in my thoughts, I am sure all will be fine but I know it is scary going through any procedure like that. (((Hugs)))) Lilly

  • AudeSapere

    Man, oh man!!

    Always a story from you, eh??

    I'm sorry you're going thru so much crap these past few months. But you're making my troubles seem pretty insignificant in comparison.

    We'll be thinking good thoughts for you tomorrow.


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