SaintSatan, thanks for the link. It boggles the mind to think of all the things we, as Americans, DON'T know. I think if we really ever knew what was going on behind the scenes in the White House, we'd all head for the moon.....
"Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)
Teejay, thanks for bringing it back up. I do know that weeks ago, before all this happened, most of my friends thought GWB was a blundering idiot. They all thought the election was fixed. They also thought Condit knew what happened to his "girlfriend".
We all were very disappointed in the government, yet now we are all ready to believe everything they say and let them do whatever it is they want to. Without batting an eyelash.
I don't believe everything I read either. You have to use common sense. But, somehow, I don't think we know even half of the story, if that much.
"Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)
Before America was attacked last week I was frankly becoming more and more alarmed at Bush's isolationism attitude. When this tragedy happened I wondered how all the world would react. Of course everyone is worried it could happen to them too and they have come to our aid, thankfully. Also, the Bush administration hadn't been in power to do enough damage (yet) to totally piss everyone off at us. Of course I see the DOW down 500 points already. We all know how American love their money. We also know how much the world loves America's money. If the money thing doesn't straighten out he's a one termer regardless. He could bring someone back to life but if the economy doesn't's all over.
My greatest hope in all of this discovery of America's dirty laundry will that maybe the American voters will snap out of their apathy and pay a little more attention come election time.
You are obviously a liberal democrat. So education is in order for you. 1. The stock market began its decline while Bill Clinton was still the president. The economy we are in is still the Bill Clinton economy. Come on, let's be fair, we're living under the Clinton budget from October 1, 2000 until September 31, 2001. 2. Gas prices started going up during the Clinton presidency. Do you remember the Clinton administration sold off U.S. oil reserves to try to stop the rise in prices? 3. The notion that George Bush is lacking intelligence is a myth created by the democrats as a smear during the election campaign and glommed onto by the liberal media. 4. I feel MUCH better having G.W. at the helm with Colin Powell, Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfield than I ever would with Al Gore. What experience would he have brought to the table?
Now before you start accusing me of blaming Bill Clinton for our current woes, I'm not. Shit happens. But to try and blame them on G.W. Bush would be just as stupid. So get over it. Bush is our president and even the democrats in congress are biting their tongues and supporting him. Why, because he has the majority of Americans behind him for now. We have plenty of time to worry about the next election.