After all my reading, conversations, study, meditating, video watching, etc.
This for me, could very well be the "end all" topic to clearly define why being a JW is useless.
There is zero scriptural evidence that following the rules of a "Governing Body" of men is required to be acceptable to god or to gain salvation ( everlasting life in paradise ).
When asked by anyone, this will be my reply.
"Show me the evidence"...
I don't care if it cries out, "I'm an apostate"!
Whomever hears the comment will not be able to ignore it. Maybe a simpler statement fastened to utility poles where JW's can see them. Under yard sales signs, near the hall, common route into the territory or favorite coffee shops, for example.
Psalm 146:3
Do not put YOUR trust in nobles,
Nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs.
It's your posts that are helping me the most!I welcome your thoughts on this.