Jesus said you need I guess this evangelist didn't have any.

by JH 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    TESTING THE FAITH Evangelist drowns trying to walk on water Pastor reportedly told congregation he could repeat miracle of Jesus

    Posted: August 30, 2006
    6:14 p.m. Eastern

    © 2006

    An evangelist who tried replicating Jesus' miracle of walking on water has reportedly drowned off the western coast of Africa.

    Pastor Franck Kabele, 35, told his congregation he could repeat the biblical miracle, and he attempted it from a beach in Gabon's capital of Libreville.

    "He told churchgoers he'd had a revelation that if he had enough faith, he could walk on water like Jesus," an eyewitness told the Glasgow Daily Record.

    "He took his congregation to the beach saying he would walk across the Komo estuary, which takes 20 minutes by boat. He walked into the water, which soon passed over his head and he never came back."

    The New Testament records the story of Jesus walking on the Sea of Galilee as he approached his disciples in a boat.

    "And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea." (Matthew 14:25)

    As WND reported in April, a researcher at Florida State University believes he has a natural explanation for the account of Jesus' miraculous walk on the surface of water – ice.

    Professor of Oceanography Doron Nof and the co-authors of his study theorize that a rare combination of optimal water and atmospheric conditions resulted in a unique, localized freezing phenomenon called "springs ice," according to, which specializes in news about science, technology, physics and space.

  • ButtLight

    What if that was the problem, he had faith in something that was a fairytale?

  • JH

    Well, I have faith Buttlight, and I can move a mountain...

    OK, I'll start with this stone

  • xjwms

    This evangelist forgot

    where the rocks were in the water.

  • candidlynuts

    i just wonder if he drowned accidentally or on purpose so he wouldnt have to face his flock with his stupidity?

  • Zico

    Once the water reached his knees, why did he not realise that this walking on water trick wasn't going to work?

  • badboy


  • stevenyc

    OK. Who doesnt believe in Darwinism now!


  • fullofdoubtnow
    He told churchgoers he'd had a revelation that if he had enough faith, he could walk on water like Jesus,"

    Oh I see, it was lack of faith that stopped him. I thought it was stupidity when I first saw the article.

  • jaguarbass

    many things that jesus said in the bible just did not pan out or dont pan out. He said many of those hearing him would not die before he came back for them. Im pretty sure everybody who has ever waited for jesus to come back ends up dying.

    jesus said whatever you ask in my name you shall have. Try asking for a million dollars in jesus name. It never has worked for me.

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