Which state, BL? Isn't Wisconsin over?
Labor Day Weekend.....Plans?
by xjwms 33 Replies latest jw friends
Same question as Blondie's, Buttlight. Or are the Fests still going on? Isn't Indian Summer in Oct.?
Just curious.
I think she said they were going to the U.P. Michigan
That was Brooke who is going camping in the UP.
For me the "Labour Day" weekend will be exactly that. I'll be washing the curtains, cleaning the windows, cleaning the carpets, painting the bathroom, and cleaning out the garage.
ROCK & ROLL WEEKEND!!! Tonight my kid's band, Tree of Woe ( www.treeofwoe.com ) is reuniting with their hero bass player Luke (who moved to Missouri to become a chiropractor) at a local coffee house and are rocking out with 4 other bands. Got my ear plugs all ready. Then Sunday we go to Mad City for Taste of Madison and Caroline's Spine!! Already preparing myself for flying beer and the possibility of smashed body parts. Coming back on Monday...which is yucky considering the traffic. At least it's not another "Ground Hog Day" weekend!
mumsy/rock goddess
goin back to texis to get my house put on the market.
All I know is that there is football this weekend. Thank God I don't have to watch anymore baseball!
MUMSY!!!!! Please keep me posted when Tree of Woe is playing in the area. I would have loved to come see them, but have made plans already for tonight!!!! have fun!!!!
We are going shopping tomorrow morning. Then my hubby is having a high school reunion, in the eveing we are hitting fair here in town. Sunday and Monday we hope to go boating/fishing. Then a cook out at my in laws Monday evening.
I don't look forward to Labor Day weekend...it does seem like summer is officially over ! However we'll make the most of it!
Have a safe weekend everyone....especailly those traveling!
Looks like it's goona be pretty lame. Two days of waiting out the rain from Ernesto. Damn it, was supposed to be another shore weekend.