I have been researching and studying the 607/587/1914 thing for a while now. Not nearly as knowlegeable as Leolaia AlanF, etal..... But, even though I have learned to question almost everything, I haven't really questioned the assertion that Russell did not realize there was no zero year. I just accepted it. So rarely does the society admit to making a mistake, you just accept that they wouldn't admit to making a mistake they didn't make. Anyway, I got to thinkin' and researching in my REPRINTS and Studies in the Scriptures. Well I found this. "The Time is at Hand" copyright 1889
THE END OF ISRAEL’S SEVEN TIMESThis long period (“seven times,” or 2520 years) of Israel’s punishment is the period of Gentile
dominion—the “Times of the Gentiles.” Since, as we have already shown, the “Gentile Times”
began B.C. 606, and were to continue twenty-five hundred and twenty years, they will end A.D.
1914 (2520-606=1914). Then the blessings recorded in the latter part of the same chapter
(Lev. 26:44,45) will be fulfilled. God will remember and fulfil to Israel the covenant made with
their fathers. Rom. 11:25-27
This may be shown more clearly to some thus:—
Israel’s “seven times” of chastisement
2520 years.
They began when the lease of power
was given to the Gentiles, which, as we
have shown, was 606 B.C.
Consequently, in A.D. 1, 606 years.
of their period had passed, and the
remainder would indicate the A.D.
date, viz.,
1914 It appears that Russell was quite aware that there was no zero year. I have not been able to find anything as of yet to indicate that he made the mistake of including a zero year in his calculations. Does anyone have any references to any of his actual writings which demonstrates his inclusion of a zero year? AlanF, JWFacts, Nark...Others??? Thanks.