I had a meeting with my heart surgeon yesterday, and after informing him of our faith, my wife still holding onto to parts of the organization, the dr. said that, "there is a new form that just came out last year from your mother church in New York." What this document does is (1) Make it clear that the person is not allowing blood to be used, (2) makes it clear that the dr. will have a court order ready in case blood is deemed medically necessary to sustain life and (3) absolves the person's conscience of any guilt if it came down to it.
I'm not sure if this document has been discussed before, but I thought that it was a bit intriguing. My surgeon will be providing me with the form to sign. He said that the surgeons now use it when operating on witnesses as it clears up many controversies. I find it very illuminating that the Society would produce such a document that basically gives the dr. permission to use blood but does not hold the person responsible for accepting it.
If anyone has discussed it before, please post the thread. I will get the document scanned as soon as I get it.