Wedding Day Turns Sour

by Kenneson 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kenneson

    The wedding at the Kingdom Hall was over and went off without a hitch. The park was nearby and a nice place for wedding photos, a traditional place for these. About 100 congregants went over to watch the couple being photographed. The park manager objected that they didn't have permission and that some cars were blocking other cars that already were there and wanted everyone to leave. The bridal party tried to talk to him in letting them stay. He would not budge. Next thing you know the cops are involved. He claims someone from the group threatened him. What started off as a joyful occasion ended up on a discordant note. snap.lpf

  • Finally-Free

    I wonder if he posts on this board. I like his style.


  • Scully

    Wedding snap!

    Darren and Hannah on their big day.

    A POLICE riot van and squad car became unwelcome guests at marriage celebrations in Cheshunt after they were scrambled to an idyllic public park when a newlywed couple wanted to take a few wedding snaps!
    Hannah Mallett and Darren Smith's big day on August Bank Holiday Monday turned into a big commotion after they were thrown out of Cedars Park in Theobalds Lane, along with around 100 family members and friends, for trying to pose for after-wedding photos at the scene.
    Then after an argument broke out with the park warden, the shocked pair found themselves surrounded by Herts police squad cars - including a riot van.
    Upon entering the park at 3pm, Hannah, 19, and Darren, 22, who had just wed at the nearby Kingdom Hall for Jehovah's Witnesses in Crossbrook Street, were challenged by the park warden. He told them they needed permission from Broxbourne Council to take photographs inside the park.
    Furious father-of-the bride Clifford Mallett, from Northaw, told the Mercury: "The warden was really rude and just waffled on about this new law, but when we asked him to go into detail about it he couldn't.
    "For years couples have been posing for photos in the park after their weddings.
    "We wouldn't have been long. We just wanted to capture the day with a few nice photos, but he wouldn't budge."
    "We tried to reason with him, but before we knew it, he had called the police. There was absolutely no need."
    Roofing contractor Mr Mallett, 41, added: "To be honest, I think the police were embarrassed and couldn't understand why they had been called out. What a waste of taxpayers' money.
    "You're hard pressed to get a police car round if you're burgled or mugged, but for some reason a summer wedding party gathering in a park is a massive threat."
    The police soon moved on, but Mr Mallett is outraged they were called at all.
    "It ruined the day," he said. "I cannot believe all this fuss was made over a couple wanting to take some photos to remember the best day of their lives."
    Mr Mallett is considering making an official complaint to Broxbourne Council over the incident.
    A Broxbourne Council spokesman said: "There are no problems with taking photos in Cedars Park The council does, however, advise wedding parties to contact them in advance to ensure that arrangements can be made for access to Cedars Park.
    "This particular incident was about parking and not the taking of photos. The park manager was concerned about the behaviour of some of the wedding party members and was obliged to call the police to assist."
    A Herts police spokeswoman said three police officers in two cars had gone to the scene after being called by the park manager who claimed he was threatened by a member of the wedding party.
    Police had taken that line because the park is privately owned land and the wedding party did not have permission to be there.
    Vehicles belonging to the wedding party were also blocking others parked there.

  • Scully

    A couple of interesting quotes:

    an idyllic public park
    Police had taken that line because the park is privately owned land and the wedding party did not have permission to be there.

    If it's a public park, why the commotion? If it's privately owned land, how can it be called "public"?

    He told them they needed permission from Broxbourne Council to take photographs inside the park.

    Were there signs posted that permission is required to take photographs in the "privately owned" "public" park?

    "You're hard pressed to get a police car round if you're burgled or mugged, but for some reason a summer wedding party gathering in a park is a massive threat."

    I wonder if there was a noise complaint too. After all, JWs are notorious for not honking their horns or throwing rice at weddings.

    "It ruined the day," he said. "I cannot believe all this fuss was made over a couple wanting to take some photos to remember the best day of their lives."

    But it's one helluva clever way to get the newspaper to publish your daughter's wedding picture for free, rather than fork over $100 to the society or announcements column.

    "This particular incident was about parking and not the taking of photos. The park manager was concerned about the behaviour of some of the wedding party members and was obliged to call the police to assist."

    Well, I imagine 100 people gathered for a wedding photo shoot might be a bit overkill - whenever I've seen wedding pictures being taken it's normally just the bridal party and immediate family - not an entire congregation.

    Vehicles belonging to the wedding party were also blocking others parked there.
    You mean, the Elders™ didn't arrange for a Parking Attendant™?? What a Reproach on Jehovah's Name™!!
  • Zico

    I feel bad for the married couple, nobody would want a problem like that on their wedding day...

    And I doubt a Witness would threaten someone in public. They'd be too concerned about bringing reproach on the Organisation.

  • carla

    I wonder how the happy couple would feel about their pic being here on THIS board!

  • Sunspot

    A Broxbourne Council spokesman said: "There are no problems with taking photos in Cedars Park The council does, however, advise wedding parties to contact them in advance to ensure that arrangements can be made for access to Cedars Park.

    "This particular incident was about parking and not the taking of photos. The park manager was concerned about the behaviour of some of the wedding party members and was obliged to call the police to assist."

    Once again we see that JWs don't feel any laws apply to them. Having to simply call in advance to the park officials, was advised but ignored by the JWs. Had they not known about this rule, (apparently), then they should have been co-operative as they WERE going against policy instead of arguing as they must have been doing.

    Somehow, I don't think the park officials would have called the police had the JWs admitted they were in the wrong and went back to the KH to take the pictures. With people being as volatile as they are lately, this "crowd of 100 or so" had the potential to quickly turn nasty. All the nonJWs there could have been in danger would they know? The police were called to avoid further conflict and to keep things nonviolent.

    Somehow the ring of "WE are God's people" has no effect on the local police......

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    In bothMontreal and Winnipeg people need to inform city hall of their use of the park for wedding photos. The larger the park the more they require advance notification.

    In Winnipeg you have to pay to take pictures in the largest park (Nos would know about this I think).

    In Montreal the Botanical Gardens requires a fee and advance notification.

    I find it hard to believe this was the first couple who got married in that cong and hadn't heard of such a requirement

  • moshe

    Signs are posted in motel rooms that say "no cooking", but that doesn't deter some JW's attending summer district conventions from cooking a three course meal in their motel room. Remember how some District conventions recently got busted for charging for parking despite rental agreements that prohibited parking fees? JW's have been doing this stuff for as long as I can remember.

  • Gill

    I can't help noticing that JWs are still getting married at an axtraordinarily early age....just for the sex?!!! Well, 19 and 22 is not exactly mature, is it?


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