>This is what find all over the earth,in every congregation, people judging and critizing you, nothing but another form of pride by looking down on others. I didn't take it as criticism, that was only my fault. I did thought my effort is not enought. >We know at one time there were 40% of publishers in Japan that were pioneering, do they do it out of love for God or is it nothing but pressure from others? We had many pioneers before, one reason is it was easy to find part-time job. and elders tend to push young people not to go to college and go into pioneering. Some of them took to go correspondence high schoool and kept auxirialy or regular pioneering. I went to full-time high school and didn't go to college because not only JW issue but also my father (non-JW at that time) told me he wouldn't (or to tell the truth, couldn't) support financially to go higher education. If I were back to those days, I would go to college to study English.
My Experience (become JW and DF)
by windchime 33 Replies latest jw experiences
>I think this website will really help you feel truly free. Thanks, mama. I am already free from the belief of JW, since I studied from some JW apostate sites and lovely friends around me! It took over a year since I began to check those sites. >It may help your husband understand why your parents treat you the way they do. I have some ex-JW friends and sometimes my husband and I talk with them. Now he know about JW, their teaching and situation better than before, he once tried yet he gave up to understand their feelings free. Recently he is interested in the feelings of non-JW husbands.
Thank you for your experience Windchime.
You have gone through very tough times, and it says a lot about how strong your love and integrity are. I have several friends that have married non JWs, and their husbands can never understand the terrible way JW parents treat their children on leaving the Watchtower Society. Maybe it will help him to read some of the experiences here and to know your parents are normal, but like all JWs are being mentally manipulated by their religion.
Thanks for your comment, jwfacts. Maybe talking with my ex-JW friends helps him to know our situation better than before. Unfortunately he can't read English.