I did address what you're saying in a post on the first page. Thanks for your concern.
This is the way I look at it. I can be "selfless," and decide to spare my mom and dad the agitation of this whole experience. But what about the more than twenty other family members? Do I just forget about them? It is not as if I think I'm going to "save" them. I know it's likely none will respond right away--and perhaps only a few in the long-term. But I believe it is the loving and proper thing for me to at least try.
Can I somehow do this without my mom and dad finding out? I am convinced this would be impossible. Further, although 72 and 74 are certainly advanced ages, these two are in really great shape. My dad continues to engage in an annual bicycle trip that takes him through the entire state of Michigan over the course of an entire week. Although I know they may die at anytime, it would not surprise me that either or both may live another fifteen years.
Others here may disagree, but knowing what I know now...if I were in their shoes I would want my child to show me the real truth about this organization. Confession