Check out this george carlin video. It is something I think you will appreciate
by jaguarbass 14 Replies latest jw friends
Check out this george carlin video. It is something I think you will appreciate
That was GREAT!!!!!
RIGHT ON GEORGE..............!~!~!~!~!~!
Enjoyed it!
Yesterday I spent some time in Books A Million. I sat down with a copy of the very conservative book Marketing of Evil. I'd been curious about it what with that controversy which ensued when an OSU librarian suggested it be included in a required reading list for incoming freshmen. Carlin's routine could've come straight from its pages!! Seriously, Carlin's decription of why the education system is so dumbed down can almost be called plagiarism1
Probably Carlin's most intelligent and insightful monologue. Wonder if he's going to "sleep with the fishes"?'s already too far along.
This is true we have been stripped of our freedom.To only become part of a cosumer corprate culture just like Brave New World.I often wonder how can I be my own person if everybody is controled by the syestem.
We are going to run out of cheap oil soon and then gasoline will become too expensive to commute to work from the suburbs to the city. Are politicians worried about this? Do they have plans in place to replace the gasoline powered automobile? No, they are worried about Social Security which won't go into the red for another 25 years. We will also run out of cheap food and water in 25 years. Are politicians worried about this? No. They are worried about extending Bush era tax credits and keeping low estate taxes. We have so many national problems that will take 10-15 years of hard work to find a solution for, but we have Politicians who can only see 2 years ahead of them at any one time.
Do they have plans in place to replace the gasoline powered automobile? No, they are worried about Social Security which won't go into the red for another 25 years.
Unfortunately, politicians don't think there is an oil shortage and they believe that 'market forces' will find a way. I don't see how 'market forces' are going to work with the politician supporting big oil like they do.
We have so many national problems that will take 10-15 years of hard work to find a solution for, but we have Politicians who can only see 2 years ahead of them at any one time.
Got to keep the poll numbers up so they can get reelected. The problems of the future? That's someone else's problem. We must ensure that we'll be in office in our next term. Real leadership becomes a casualty.
Publicly funded campaigns. No lobbyists. Our only hope.
By "publicly funded" you mean run by the same government that created the bureaucracy that perpetuates the problems we face?
No thanks. Bad as the campaign finance system is, taking it further out of the hands of the people is no solution. Do you think any publicly funded system would give us fair and free access to all candidates and their stands on issues? I don't. I think the two party oligarchy would use the system to ice out everyone else, just like they do now.
No lobbyists I can get behind though.