YORRW congregation - 'The Report'

by yaddayadda 50 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • yaddayadda

    Anyone read The Report book on this website:


    What do u think of it?


  • Donnalilly

    Hardly anyone can access that site. It oozes pure evil

  • bjc2read


    Actually, the name is YORWW Congregation ...not YORRW. But thanks again for the mention.

    The Name YORWW stands for, "Yah Our Righteousness" World Wide, taken from Jeremiah 33:16 and Psalms 68:4.

    Since I've been associated with the YORWW Bible Movement for the last 15 years, I can assure you...there is no "evil" associated with it at all. Just some well-publicized controversial viewpoints that challenge the biblical scholarship of many "weak-minded" JWs, and long-standing traditional standards set by the "old guard" of religious-christian belief. History tells of course, when a religious viewpoint presented is new, fresh and UNFAMILIAR to the general populous, it always tend to "ruffle the feathers" of the less-informed, who dutifully make it their business to attempt to leave the "stain" of contempt upon any (members of the YORWW and those interested like-minded ones) who sincerely aspire for something greater in their spiritual lives, biblically-speaking, yes beyond the wicked Watchtower Society and their 6-million most pitiable adherents (like "Thirdwitness)...as amply demonstrated ON A DAILY BASIS for all to see... on this particular discussion board and others around the world.

    As mentioned, the LWF website [www.livingwatersforum.com] and the CE Discussion board [www.crossingeuphrates.com], are closed to the general public. This is because both boards are respectively set up as PRIVATE INSTRUCTION FACILITIES...for a very specialized audience who today possess the Biblical wherewithall and spiritual prowess to handle the material and subject matter, and who are willing to an earnest effort to "see" or make the mental connections of this most challenging message, which has been asserted by the YORWW for approaching to 2 decades now, among Jehovah's witnesses. (The message and the book itself, "The Report" has been around since the early 1990s, being made available on the net and bookstores for years now.)

    Therefore, in short, because of the nature of the biblical message, the "Report" (Isa. 53:1; John 12:38; Ezekiel 21:7, 8) -- the faint of heart, nor the hopelessly stupid from among JWs [like Thirdwitness] or NON Beroean-like from among JWs... simply, need not apply.

    However, for those even mildly-interested in getting a general concise overview of the beliefs and teachings of the YORWW, please see the following link:


    ...for all others...please carry on.

    Hope this helps...peace


  • TresHappy

    The Report - I received one of these when they were out of Florida in 1994; it is bound with a blue cover. This must be one of the originals that I have...I read it back then and it had some good information; but that was before the Internet was so widely available.

  • Donnalilly

    bjc, are you not burneys sister , or close relative? is it not true all your followers must believe he is the new Jesus, taking Jesus place. only those allowed on yur sites are only those who agree with you? how many followers do you have , 5-6? this religiion is a stringer off of the JWs. it is evil. your book is only for sale , not given freely, with a phoney bible quote given saying God wants you to charge for it. tell the truth for once. burneys x followers now need to come forward.

  • bjc2read

    For those who are interested, here is a full, detailed explanation on the whys and the hows on purchasing the book (The Report):

    Here is the link:


    ...on the question of "smallness" of our group...

    Didn't Jesus say: "The Kingdom of God" starts out as the "tiniest of all seeds...UPON THE EARTH"? -- Mark 4:30, 31 NWT

    ...please pay close attention to the word..."earth" in Jesus' statement.


    PS: Donna...why don't you give up trying to get back on Crossing Euphrates Discussion Board (comments constantly made on H2O)...all the while blaspheming us on all discussion boards you can get on. That was the very reason we got tired of you, and promptly "booted" you, from Crossing DB in first place... we "booted" you because of your EVIL ways. (I say "evil" since that is a word you obviously like to use...LOL)

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    bjc ; i've had some dealing with this wacked out group of nut cases. what i bunch of brain washed zombies. i had them running for the hills , in less than a half an hour. red flags , alarm bells, air raid sirens went off in my head . just listening to them for a few minutes. don't come here and smooth talk people, that they have deep understanding of the bible or jehovah. that's plan out bull$hit. explain how your group says in 1931 that rutherfraud came up with the name jw's. and that proves that your group is chooseen by jah. what a load of hogwash. i've watched your friends on paltalk, lose next to every arguement . i was privy to listen to. for anyone here that wants to join a religion that is 100x wacker than the wt . try this group. and the best part is you still get to use the title jehovah witnesses. john

  • Donnalilly

    why did you not answer all the questions? are you not burneys sister and does he claim to be your savior now instead of Jesus.

    dont wnat on your site now and havent tried to get back on.

    tell of the homes you pagans have busted up, the threats. you are evil and no part of Jehovah.

    im sure many on here could tell what they know of your evil satanic ways

  • Geronimo

    Actually, the name is YORWW Congregation ...not YORRW. But thanks again for the mention.

    The Name YORWW stands for, "Yah Our Righteousness" World Wide, taken from Jeremiah 33:16 and Psalms 68:4.

    Since I've been associated with the YORWW Bible Movement for the last 15 years, I can assure you...there is no "evil" associated with it at all. Just some well-publicized controversial viewpoints that challenge the biblical scholarship of many "weak-minded" JWs, and long-standing traditional standards set by the "old guard" of religious-christian belief. History tells of course, when a religious viewpoint presented is new, fresh and UNFAMILIAR to the general populous, it always tend to "ruffle the feathers" of the less-informed, who dutifully make it their business to attempt to leave the "stain" of contempt upon any (members of the YORWW and those interested like-minded ones) who sincerely aspire for something greater in their spiritual lives, biblically-speaking, yes beyond the wicked Watchtower Society and their 6-million most pitiable adherents (like "Thirdwitness)...as amply demonstrated ON A DAILY BASIS for all to see... on this particular discussion board and others around the world.

    As mentioned, the LWF website [www.livingwatersforum.com] and the CE Discussion board [www.crossingeuphrates.com], are closed to the general public. This is because both boards are respectively set up as PRIVATE INSTRUCTION FACILITIES...for a very specialized audience who today possess the Biblical wherewithall and spiritual prowess to handle the material and subject matter, and who are willing to an earnest effort to "see" or make the mental connections of this most challenging message, which has been asserted by the YORWW for approaching to 2 decades now, among Jehovah's witnesses. (The message and the book itself, "The Report" has been around since the early 1990s, being made available on the net and bookstores for years now.)

    Therefore, in short, because of the nature of the biblical message, the "Report" (Isa. 53:1; John 12:38; Ezekiel 21:7, 8) -- the faint of heart, nor the hopelessly stupid from among JWs [like Thirdwitness] or NON Beroean-like from among JWs... simply, need not apply.

    However, for those even mildly-interested in getting a general concise overview of the beliefs and teachings of the YORWW, please see the following link:


    ...for all others...please carry on.

    Hope this helps...peace


    I eat lightning and shit thunder. G

  • rnovello

    There is no studying like the boreans on their sites, you have to listen and agree to what ever they believe, which is all demonic, and if you dont agree you are promptly kicked off and banned. when i found their site and asked questions they told me to read differant essays and get back to them right away , like 24 hrs. if i didnt or couldnt i would be banned which i was. Its all about money and sex with them

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