Ouch, that is a hard way to get out of the army. At least the entire military will not shun her for her decision to leave! Can you imagine-we are here to protect everyone. . .except those who leave! Yikes. It is great that she gets to come home if that is what she wishes. Some of the lessons we learn when we are young are HARD.
Daughter getting out of ARMY!!!!!
by purplesofa 27 Replies latest jw friends
Purple, please convey the heartful gratitude of this American for her service. I also want to thank you for allowing your daughter to serve her nation.
I have never heard of anyone being let out of the military by choice due to a broken hand. The only medical leave I have ever heard of is pregnancy, or a life threatening desease. Don't get me wrong, I am very pleased to hear that she is coming home, just confused. Also, basic is 3 months long, she just left a little while ago (like say in the past month or two?).
Just the skeptic in me asking questions.
I have not heard from her this week.........she called last weekend and said she would be coming home today, or Tuesday.
I have gotten no letters from her either for a week.
So once again I am worried.
Her basic is 9 weeks.
I have never heard of anyone being let out of the military by choice due to a broken hand. The only medical leave I have ever heard of is pregnancy, or a life threatening desease. Don't get me wrong, I am very pleased to hear that she is coming home, just confused. Also, basic is 3 months long, she just left a little while ago (like say in the past month or two?).
I don't know any of the rules about getting out of the ARMY, I only know what she has told me.
The only other thing I will say about her getting out is that the tactics recruiters use.....the information they discount and coverup is criminal to get people to join. They lie, manipulate.......anything to get them to sign up. I know that 19 is considered an adult, but I am sure we all can look back and think of the mistakes we made when we were young. AND how naive we really were.
She was working on getting a discharge another way......it was in the works.......but with this injury......I think they decided to use this as a reason to speed up the process. The other way was going to take alot of time and paperwork.
And after a week from not hearing from her........I have no idea what is going on now.
Maybe all that manipulation was part of her training.
That is great! My wife told me that your daughter could get out during basic training without ramifications. My wife's job in the army('63-'66) was typing out discharge information; reports, General, Medical and Honorable Discharges. For anyone out there who has signed up for the military and is having second thoughts, you can get out honorably during basic training. The army doesn't tell you that.
Thanks TMS for that information.
I appreciate that ....
My daughter is coming home tonight!!!!! She just called
from the airport a bit ago......
I can't wait to see her..........
Thanks everyone for your support.......I have been pretty down about it
I am glad to hear she made it home safe and sound. I hear ya on the way recruiters will do anything to get people to join. My fiance as well as alot of soldiers in his unit were suppose to recieve a $10,000 sign on bonus after they completed 5 years of service. Unfortunately that 5 years ended after a year in Baghdad and somehow the recruiter "forgot"to have the men sign the bonus paperwork when they enlisted, they didn't know any better at the time. It really bummed alot of them out, they were planning on using that money for a fresh start after the Army....what a way to treat people for serving their country in a war zone and giving up their families for a year.