Elders stopped by yesterday they want to come over Monday and talk to me. I have been df'ed about a year now, they said my Dad was wondering why no one was stoppping by to see me. It was really hard cause I grew up with these guys and I know they are good guys. I said they could, but know I'm wondering what I'm going to say. I know they want to set up a study with my son, but I'm not going to let that happen, why put something into his head that is just going to screw him up later. So it should be interesting........
Guess who's coming over Monday night!!
by kerj2leev 37 Replies latest jw friends
They'll ask if you want to be reinstated and will tell you how to do it. I do wonder if they will get into any protracted doctrinal discussion.
That is what I'm worried about!! I don't know if I'm ready to get into that right now.
Good luck, its not nice it carryin on like this
That would be very hard for me as well.
Whenever I see my sister who is still an active jw and married to a new elder it messes with my head. Those wierd thoughts come back and you start to question who is really right.
I feel pretty confident that they are wrong and that what you said about saving your son from the emotional turmoil is dead on!
As hard as it is, I think the best thing to do is to not let them in. What good could come from it? It will just make you go over all that mess again in your head at night as you try to sleep.
Good luck Monday!
Thanks for the support esw! Don't know what I will do, but being on here definately helps to clear up the Dubbot thinking.
my Dad was wondering why no one was stoppping by to see me. It was really hard cause I grew up with these guys and I know they are good guys. I said they could, but know I'm wondering what I'm going to say. I know they want to set up a study with my son
Sounds like my dad.
Big reason for me stopping the whole madness was to spare my son from having
the WT demons in his head don't let them do it!
I would be very careful about listening to them, if your still a bit unsteady. Remember how convincing they used to be. You dont want to get sucked back in through guilt or worry, especially for the sake of your son.
I would just say that your not ready to talk yet, thanks but no thanks.
drew sagan
I heard some really good advice about this and I'm going to pass it along.
Don't talk about the Bible
If you plan on talking about your gripes with the WTS, just show lies in their literature. Focus on their literature, and their literature alone. Never talk the Bible with JWs, this is the biggest mistake. I learned this one the hard way. If you talk about the Bible, you get absurd interpretation of the Bible. Cut through all that by not even getting near the Bible.
If you don't feel like doing that, then it seems like a little bit of BS will pull you through. If there is one thing I know about Elders is that they will not go anywhere in a conversation they don't think they can dominate.
If you set the course for the conversation, you will own it. Don't let them choose what is going to be said, you decide. Set the course and they will be stuck to your direction.
Let us know how it goes! -
Don't talk about the bible, you will loose, they are trained to reject everything against the "healthful teaching".
Kindly bring up the UN affair and malawi-mexico and if GB is spirit directed why the so many changes in doctrine such as the Generation.
The majority of elders still have not heard about the watchtower involvement in the UN, a door might be open.