I mean really...I keep making bad decisions..that seem "right " in the short term...yet go bad in the long term.
How is it possible for anyone to make good decisions..or be perfect..when we don't know what the end result of the decision is going to be?
How can you make a mistake when you know what the end result of every decision is going to be? Guess you would almost have to do it on purpose.
If Adam and Eve knew exactly what was going to happen in the end result of their decision..why would they choose to do it? They would have to be suicidal or something if they jumped off a building KNOWING it was going to kill them.
If I knew the owner of my company was getting ready to fire me in a month...would I still be here...or would I be out trying to find another job?
I am really confused about this.
Can someone point me in the right direction?