By now, I think everyone here realizes that the "colleague in Croatia" was a made up story by the WTS. The problem is, the dubs who believe this, like my mom who really need mental help, say that the WTS is telling the truth because they would not risk losing their everlasting life over telling a lie. In other words, they're telling the truth because they say they're telling the truth.
I'll use an example. Yesterday my mom told me that a close friend of hers, Sherry, at the KH died of stomach cancer. Mom said she didn't even know she was sick until she was dead. I said surely you must have noticed her losing weight, and she said that Sherry said she was on a diet, and didn't want us to worry. So I said: "So this 60 year old woman, who had spent her whole life in the truth, died of cancer after refusing ANY MEDICAL TREATMENT WHATSOEVER, and then she lied to everyone about it." Forget about blood transfusions, this woman never even set foot in a hospital. It's a wonder she made it to 60! But because she lied about her illness, wouldn't that mean she lost her everlasting life? So she not only suffered needlessly, SHE WON'T EVEN BE RESURECTED?
The dubs who really need mental help will never go see a therepast because they believe the WTS. It's not like I can drag her in kicking and screaming. And yet, incredibly, she watches Oprah and Dr. Phil, and she laughs at all the people who are trapped in a cult or abusive relationships! And she even does yoga to lose weight! But after all this, she still doesn't get a clue, and it's staring her right in the face!
So, my question is this: has anybody ever tried direct hypnosis on a dub? Does that sound too crazy? Will it work? And how would you ever get them to agree to it? Sorry, that was more than one question.