I went to see my grandmother today, who has been a JW pioneer for going on 60 years and is still pioneering. This is what she told me.
She said that they had their one-day assembly yesterday and that attendance was high. She said that there was someone there from Bethel in NY, who told everyone his experience of the attack on Tuesday. He also said that the WT immediately printed out the Awake issues from the past months about terrorism and post-traumatic stress disorder. He said the presses were running from the day it happened printing these mags to distribute.
Then her and my parents were out in full force this morning, taking advantage of the people who wanted to talk (although some man ordered my father off his property with a few choice words.)
They seem to be really elated about this. My grandmother pressed the two issues of the Awake into my hands and I took them, (although I tried not to recoil) because I didn't want to be rude. THen my uncle called from Florida (another JW) and they were talking about how they heard that some Bethelites were letting people in their lobby and feeding them, etc. and probably handing out literature the day it happened like heroes and all that.
So here I have them. I have thumbed through them, although they were issued a couple months ago and I don't really see anything different from what I remember all those years ago.
I guess my dilemma is whether I should just keep my mouth shut and let them go on about it. But my jaw is starting to hurt from clenching my mouth trying to be quiet.
Any suggestions? How have you handled this, you, who have JW relatives?