It made me laugh when i saw the name of one of the prospective ApostaCurry pubs, the Swan and Graveyard was it ?
So i got to thinking about making up some Crazy Pub Names. You buy your own personal 'winner' a pint at the 'PostaCurry'.....or if yer not going send 'em a 'cyber pint'.
The Frog and Bike Spoke
The Strumpets' Trumpet
The 'Luxury' - (Monty Python Sketch) A Yorkshire pub chain where the food makes Joes Greasy Spoon look like it deserves a Michelin Star.
The Silly Bitch - A pub just outside the Greyhound/Dog Racetrack. You can't see the floor for torn betting slips and everyone makes half a pint of bitter last 2 hours.
The Lucky B*stard - That's the pub opposite the Silly Bitch.
The Dodgy Clog.
The Baked Bean - That's one for the students
The Hoarse Cockrel - Stuffed full of Allotment Holders.
The Pompous Arse - The pub the Foxhunters go to after the hunt. (Whoops is that political?)
The Loose Fitting Welly. Just sounds funny.
The Bottom of the Budgies Cage - The last pub everyone finishes the night at and ends up drinking just enough to make you feel like somebody's stuffed your mouth with sandpaper when you wake in the morning.
The Flat Cap and Whippet. A pub somewhere in Lancashire where even i would find difficulty understanding what was being said.
And....The Windy Lady - Where the older girls go to chuckle at one another. "Phyllis darling, you really MUST go and see a doctor"......
I'm sorry.......i've just had alot of thinking time today
I've been chuckling all day.......Is this my second childhood??
C'mon let's have some good ones from ya!