A Question about the Shunning Policy

by The wanderer 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Anitar

    I suppose it is "unity at all costs," so anyone who is seen as fallen behind is left behind. Ironically, she was far ahead of the rest of the congregation. Sad, isn't it?


  • BabaYaga

    I have always considered my leaving the org as completely ironic, as I left because I disagreed completely with the whole shunning thing. In disagreeing completely, I had to get away from the org that would practice it, thereby exposing myself to the exact same treatment I was protesting.

    Moshe's comment about it being human nature at its worst reminds me of Lord of the Flies! I have never thought of that before, but the whole primal, tribal, exclusion to the point of death thing is chilling.

  • juni

    You know what amazes me you guys/gals??

    The Society ALWAYS has the answer for what you should do in EVERY CASE in detail.

    Whatever happened to FREE WILL - CHOICE using God's principles?

    Then they have the audacity to give ones the "boot" who don't fall in line according to their "manmade rules" causing much heartache and destroying family relationships.

    They equate following THEIR RULES which they teach is direction from Jehovah as a measuring rod of your faith and integrity to God.

    When you don't "measure up" they say work harder at it. If you mess up, want to honestly question the rule then they start looking at you like you might be a threat to the rest of the cong.


    The question is why? Why do individuals in the organization turn

    against such ones because of seeing things from a different perspect-

    tive ?

    Because it has been beat into their brains that by obeying the organization in ALL THINGS they will have the opportunity for everlasting life. So with that being said, if someone is DFed then you better follow through and ostrasize that person if you want to maintain your good name and proof of your faithfulness. In most every case a person has A LOT TO LOSE if they go against the teachings and they know it. They have you where they want you.

  • Sheri

    To go against the Borg is akin to going against Jehovah. This is cult thinking and it is so amazing that I actually believed it once. Yet when I wanted to speak with my friend (DF'd) we could rationalize it as business or family business. Most JW's work around the JW System of rules but will not dare really think too deeply about what they are actually doing, just rationalize that they have to Wait On Jehovah. Sad Sad Sad

    Peace & Love,


  • crazyblondeb
    I'm very surprised that shows like Dateline or 20/20 do not pick up this story of shunning among the JW since it has affected tens of thousands of people thrughout the earth. They've gone after the Mormons a few times but not JW accept on child abuse.

    It would shock viewer of the cruelty of it.

    Anyone has any connections with these guys?

    The contact email for dateline is [email protected]

    For 20/20 they have a page for you to contact them http://abcnews.go.com/2020/story?id=123566&page=1 I hope I did that right.

    If you check out silent lambs site, they have been featured in the past on a couple shows.


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