I worked all weekend, including today ! Labor day bullcrap. Everyone is working but the government. They get to enjoy a three day weekend while I labor my ass off. Who else had to work ? If you did'nt have to work what did you do this weekend ?
Labor Day my BUTT !!!!
by oldflame 13 Replies latest jw friends
The police and firefighters were working today and other support staff. The prisons and jails were operating today. All government workers in my area.
I worked today. I forget what was the society's problem with celebrating labor day? It's not honoring anyone.
I chopped brush and cut out four tree stumps. I think there's an extremely good chance I won't get paid by the lady who owns the grove.
*** g05 4/22 pp. 13-14 May Day—What Does It Mean to You? ***
Day Becomes Labor DayThe parades and demonstrations of the modern May Day began in North America. Why there? The industrial revolution brought new machines that ran continuously, with the result that factory owners often expected their employees to work up to 16 hours every day except Sundays. In an effort to improve the lives of workers, a federation of trade and labor unions in the United States and Canada called for an eight-hour workday beginning on May 1, 1886. For the most part, employers refused to grant this, so on the first of May, thousands of workers went on strike.
The Haymarket Riot in Chicago, Illinois, gave the labor movement in the United States its first martyrs, and workers in England, France, Holland, Italy, Russia, and Spain rallied in support. In 1889 a congress of world Socialist parties meeting in Paris declared that May 1, 1890, would be a day of international demonstrations in favor of an eight-hour workday. The date thereafter became an annual occasion on which to raise workers’ demands for better working conditions.
In republics of the Soviet Union, May Day was traditionally celebrated with military parades and displays of technological achievements. Today many countries observe a holiday called Labor Day or International Workers’ Day on the first of May. The United States and Canada, however, celebrate Labor Day on the first Monday in September.
Two days of jack hammering though cement wall to put in window! Twas labor, indeed!
I work for the government so I didn't have to work. However, I didn't do a whole lot other than clean out my garage (which took two days). Felt good for a change.
I work for the government, in a jail. I would have had to work but I'm on vacation. I didnt do much, went to the gym for an hour. Played my guitar. Surfed the net. Drank some beer. Took some naps. Posted here. I work midnights so im starting to wake up now. 11:20
Just another day of work for me too. At least there was no school today.
worked all weekend, including today ! Labor day bullcrap. Everyone is working but the government. They get to enjoy a three day weekend while I labor my ass off.
Welcome to the new Amerika