The work of preaching will no longer focus on the neighborhoods of nonbelievers, but rather on trying to get those who have left (disfellowshipped, disassociated, and the inactive) to come back to the religion. Elders, Ministerial Servants, and spiritually strong publishers will be making an active effort to let those who left know, the preaching work is over and this is a sign of the end being ever more near. This will be their final warning, of sorts."
HMMM..I think there might be some truth to this..when I read it I was like OOOOOOO thats what's going on...Recently I was given the message thru my JW mom that both of my uncles that are elders are NOW AVAILABLE to answer any questions I might have after almost 9 yrs of me being df'd they're just now being available. I was like wtf at first but now I see...
So that might be part of the big announcement..."Those pubs that are "strong" may have new territory....da'd, df'd, and inactive ones....