Time to find out My Purpose

by lisavegas420 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • lisavegas420

    I mentioned on here several months ago, mailed in an order for the book, "What does the Bible really teach?" I also ordered a book with the same title from United Church of God...Oh and a bible from the Mormans, and some other religious teaching guides from different religions.

    It took over two months, but the WT version of "What does the bible really teach?" did show up in the mail.

    I thumbed though it and threw it in the pile with the other religious stuff that was coming in every few days. Oh,.... I get other stuff, not just religious...and, during the same time frame, I received some Pagan stuff, and a really cool retail catalog called Azure Green. They have stuff like crystals, candles, magic wands, ect. Anyway....on to the point of my post.

    Monday, Sept 1st. 10am...my husband comes in and says..'lisa, lisa, quick, were are you?" I yell back, "I'm in the basement, what's up?" He says, "Get up here, quick!" I run up the stairs, and he's standing at the top..... Me, "What, What is it?" (With him there is no telling..it could be anything from come look what the neighbors are doing, to come see what I just did to my truck, or come sit with me and have a cup of coffee/beer.) He seems a little anxious, so my mind quickly jumps to my animals, "What? What is it?" I ask, feeling my heart start to speed up.

    "There here! Your bible ladies are here!" he finally says.

    "MY BIBLE ladies?, what the hell are you talking about?, how do you know?, where are they?, are you sure? Is it the same ones as before?" .......... Yea, just like that, the questions come spewing out of my mouth faster that my husband can answer them. He is still standing there looking at me, "Well, what do you want me to do?" .............. I said, "I'll see them."

    My husband walked back out the side door into his garage. The garage door is open and the women are walking towards him. I tear though the house and open the front door. I hear them ask him if lisa lived here, ....at the same moment I opened the front door and they look at me, and ask, "lisa?" I smile and say, "Yes?" They walk up the front walk towards me. I stand at the front door looking at them.

    I again, look at them and say, "yes can I help you?" One of the women speaks, she has a foreign accent. "You recently ordered some religious material?" I nod my head yes....She said she wanted to check to see if I had any questions. I invite them in.

    I move the big pillows around on the couch for them to sit, and I move over to the loveseat across from them to sit myself down. I look at them again waiting for them to speak..... One of the women asked what book I had received.

    I said..."well?" ...... "I'm sorry, I didn't catch which group you're with?" She hemhaws around for a few seconds and finally spits out JW's. I nod my head again...then start rambling quickly......"Oh yes, I believe I received a book from them about...umm...something to do with...what the bible really teaches. I ordered the same book from different religions. I wasnt' sure which group you were with, I wanted to see what different religions teach about the bible. There used to be another JW woman that stopped by. I think she moved." The second woman, asked "Was it Xxxxx?" I said, 'Yes that right. She just stopped coming by, so I think she must have moved." The lady with the accent said, 'She didn't move." The other lady with her raised her eyebrow at the woman with the accent (you know giving her 'the look') and then says something to me about this womans had family that had been ill and she was caring for them. I said that was nice that she is able to care for her loved ones,....I also mentioned..... that some can't......some wont'.

    The conversation continued....blah blah...blah blah.....she shared a scripture and asked about coming back later. I said this isn't really what I'm looking for...... I told her, I was at a time in my life that I wanted to know what 'my purpose' was. She shows me in chapter three..... in the "bible teach book". "What is gods purpose for mankind." I laughed...and said."I'm not trying to be rude, but I'm really talking about MY purpose, I wasn't thinking about mankind as a whole." She assured me that by reading over this chapter and answering the questions at the bottom I would be able to figure out "my purpose".

    She's coming back Wednesday at 1pm. I'm supposed to read chapter three and write down all my questions.

    Here's a few things that I noticed that I'm slightly disturbed about. #1 My husband is in the garage and driveway this entire time just puttering around. There is a man sitting in his car, waiting for the women. He doesn't get out and speak to my husband or even mention why he's sitting there in his driveway....... I just found this rude and odd.

    #2 One of the women asked about the scar on my dogs nose. I told her that we had a grease fire earlier in the year and the dog and I got burned. She said, "Good thing it was a bad fire." I looked at her and said, "What!?!" with probably more than a little irritation in my voice... (it WAS a bad fire and we are lucky to be alive) .... She said.."Oh i mean at least your house didn't burn down." What bothered me about this is the way she just assumed to KNOW what she is talking about without even listening to me or my story. I didn't tell her how bad it really was, because I could tell she wasn't interested.

    #3 I wonder what Xxxxx my old bs woman will say to this new bs person? I wonder if I will find out why she REALLY quit coming by?

    Anyway....I'll let you all know if she comes back wednesday.


  • vitty


    Can you remind us why your old BS woman stopped comming.

    You could really do some work here, personally I couldnt be bothered

  • lisavegas420

    The last bs woman quit coming after 2 years....when I showed her the letter on the UN and asked her why some made such a big deal about it. She of course said it came from the ....INTERNET...and she said it was all lies.

    I told her she could take the print out and that her leaders should look into it and possibly sue whoever is responsible for spreading the lies.

    She didn't take the printout...and never came back.


  • vitty

    Thats unbelievable...............................no I take that back its totally believeble

    2 years..............phew how did you string that out?

  • lisavegas420

    Oh come on Vitty, You know I was the best study they ever had. I had tons of questions..kept them on their toes. Oh...also I had her home phone number so if I didn't want to play..umm...study, I'd call and cancel.

    But I know did little things that drove the old bs women nuts...like I would never mark my answers by underlining them...even though she mentioned it dozens of times. I would say...I read while I'm soaking in the tub, the ink makes a mess..or some other such nonsense.


  • iamfreenow

    Lisa, the JWs are that desperate for studies these days, you'll probably be able to string them along for quite some time if you want to. They'll be inviting you to ameeting fairly soon though, so get your excuses for not going, as I assume you won't be going, in advance.

  • lisavegas420

    hehehe...I won't be going to any meetings. Last time I told the truth.....the same this time...... I perfer to be home with my husband in the evenings.

    Another thing I found odd. They didn't leave any magazines. none. what's up with that?


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Lisa -

    You could really have fun with this if that is what you want to do.

    I assume you were not ever a dub?

    I can't give any hints on that material you refer to - since I left the dubs I have not read any of the latest bullshit releases.

    I agree with your perceptions about the general rudeness and lack of interest in your experiences - these folks have on blinders and are focused on only one thing - turning you into a good little witless! I don't blame them - they are just blind guides and don't know it yet!

    Here is something I would do - I would take the booklet from the Church of God with the similar title and say something like "I would like to compare the two versions of understanding - yours and theirs. Would you please read page xxx where I marked the paragragh and then we will look up the scriptures."

    Turn it around on them and see thier faces. What a hoot that would be. But that is just me.


  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Wow, Lisa, you have a lot more patience then me. Keep us posted. This should turn out very interesting.

    I started reading through the first few chapters and had to stop because I underlined too much. I underlined all the things I thought were screwy.

  • lisavegas420
    I assume you were not ever a dub?

    You assume wrong... (see my profile)

    I found this site that has chapter by chapter response to the Bible Teach book, I'm going to start there. If anyone else has suggestions as to questions I can ask, please let me know. We are starting the book on Chapter 3.




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