Hello Everyone,
Well I am convinced I know how the Stars are treated. Being considered an Apostate by just about everyone in the Circuit, and now, tonight I find that the neighboring Circuit is talking of our Apostacy as well. (Mind you we are not D'fd, nor have we D'Ad ourselves.) We are experiencing a strange kind of phenomena. Its like being a movie star. Everywhere we are spotted we are starred at. Then when you make eye contact, they quickly look away! Just yesterday my family and Apostate friends went to breakfast. Low and behold was a young gossipy witness Elder and his wife. She saw us and quick pulled out her cell phone to call most likely her mother and sisters to tell them we were there. The more I thought about it the more it is simular. Just like the Stars, lies are made up about us, and people will believe anything they hear because it is so much juicier than the truth. So.. hold your head high fellow Apostates...we are of a celebrity rank!
Lady Liberty
P.S. The latest rumor mill has it that we are printing and publishing Apostate literature...which is totally untrue. Also, we have apparently started our own religion...which is totally untrue. AND...we apparently have started a new web site called The TRUE Jehovah's Witnesses...which is also untrue! Absolutely UNBELIEVABLE!!!