I Think You Mean Yes, Really
by skeptic2 21 Replies latest jw friends
I Think You Mean Yes, Really
How come SKEPTIC2 and MOOMIN both have the same IP address?????????
Explain kids!
i thought this thread was far too chavy to post on, until i saw the pic of the owl as an avatar. pmsl
Husband and Wife
See early post by Moomin identifying me
No conspiracy unfortunately
Have you got someone who looks after you that can type?
Thats the funniest thang I seen all day
No conspiracy unfortunately
Aaaaah sheeeyt!!
I thought i'd uncovered a sinister, evil mastermind.
Or maybe I have bipolar personality disorder...
Or maybe I have bipolar personality disorder...
That's........not really got the same clout, now has it??
"Lowden Uncovers Plot To Destroy JWD"
"Lowden Finds Poorly In Head Person"
I shall await my day of glory.................
I am sinister and evil at certain times of the month if that helps?
Well's what to do.
When your hubby is in his laydee phase of his bi-polar...thingy, you can talk to....her, cos you wimin understand each other dontcha chuck?
Damn....i'm good. I should give proper grown up advice to big people.