I, [name] , do take you, [name], to be my lawfully wedded [husband/wife], to love, honor [bride: and deeply respect], for as long as we both shall live together on Earth under God's marital arrangement.
Ummm... what? So romantic, so meaningful. Is it just me, or is that marriage vow right out of the frickin' Twilight Zone?
- Lawfully Wedded: Betrays the Witness obsession with appearances. Why is "lawfully" inserted? Of course they're lawfully wedded.
- Deeply Respect: So the husband isn't promising to deeply respect his wife? Does that mean that the Society thinks that husbands shouldn't respect their wives? Of course they don't think that. So why put the difference into the vows? Because they are OBSESSED with the "Christian headship arrangement."
- On Earth: This is a holdover from when there were a lot of "anointed" with a "heavenly hope." The idea was that after you go to heaven, the marriage bonds are broken.
- Under God's Marital Arrangement: This is a reference to the wildly speculative idea that many Witnesses had that after Armageddon, there would be no more marriage. I.E., they'd no longer be under "God's Marital Arrangement."