I will know that the name has really changed when:
1) I ask a JW who comes to my door what religion he/she is and they say:
I'm a Christian rathern than a Jehovah's Witness (or more accurately one of Jehovah's witnesses). Even one of Jehovah's Christian witnesses would count.
Did you know that until 1984 the WTS did use the phrase "Jehovah's Christian Witnesses" in its publications then suddenly dropped it?
2) If the Kingdom Hall sign read:
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Christian Witnesses
Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses
km 4/79 p. 4 Announcements *** Is it appropriate to have a Kingdom Hall sign saying: "Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Christian Witnesses"? So there will be uniformity, the Society encourages all to make their signs read: "Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses."
Makes you wonder why uniformity could not be achieved by all KHs reading "Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Christian Witnesses"?