apostates in Michigan

by BlackSwan of Memphis 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Star Moore
    Star Moore

    Hi Bl Swan..

    Looks like you found the answer to your search for the young woman from Brighton..

    Jeff, would love to meet with you and your wife.. but my hubby is pretty antisocial and I'm trying to fast.. Hope you have a good trip..

    from you local Michigan apostate..Star..

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis
    Looks like you found the answer to your search for the young woman from Brighton..

    I did?

    As I said there have been some very active apostates, so this group that sent out this letter may or may not be part of this particular group from Brighton. Where is Davison anyway? I think it's quite a ways from here.

  • Outaservice

    Davison is near Flint

  • Lutece67

    I'm in Michigan, near Saginaw. I don't remember hearing the story about the girl from Brighton, but it sounds interesting. I left on my own, da'd after years of doubts and finally allowing myself to visit sites like this one.

  • lovelylil

    our friend outaservice is going to mail me a copy of the letter. I will scan it and post it on the board so all can see it as soon as I get it. Lilly

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