How would you describe a "good friend"???
What Is A Good Friend To You?
by minimus 38 Replies latest jw friends
Nathan Natas
Johnny Walker Red.
I think this is suppose to be a serious thread. lol
If you're talking in terms of the JW's I have only (2) good JW friends (well, ex-JW friends) that continue being my friend no matter what - during my disfellowshippings and reinstatements. I have "worldly" friends that have been my friend no matter what throughout everything.
Isn't that something....fairweather friends is what the kingdom hall friends are. Its so funny that up until they find something scriptually wrong they're there and the minute they find out you've "sinned or whatever" your casted out. Its sad, the control.
I think this is suppose to be a serious thread. lol
Oh. Well, then I would say a good friend is someone who is there for you when the going gets rough. And it is a very rare quality.
Myself. I don't trust anyone these days.
Someone who does not judge me by their standards or beliefs.
Someone who takes me for what I am - good days and bad days - and stays loyal. I have a couple of really good friends like that. When I became a JW I virtually dumped them - but they never gave up on me and we're best buddies again. We've been friends for 1) 30 years and 2) 26 years.
Tan is that a pic of you? You making me want to eat bread and water. lol