Are people still becoming JWs in the West?

by greendawn 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mkr32208
    I'd put money down that most of Watchtower Society growth will happen in these countries in the next century.

    I'll take that bet! This cult will be gone within the next few dacades! There ain' t no way it will make it to the next certury!

  • NewYork44M
    In foreign-language congregations (which make up more than 25% of the US congregations): there is still lots of growth--especially among poor and/or semi-literate immigrants. The appeal of people who are well-established in this country, offering them literature in their own language, and later on a foothold of stability (belonging to a well-estblished "church"), is quite strong. In some immigrant-heavy urban areas, it is not unusual for a pioneer to be conducting 10 or 12 studies simultaneously, and have 2 or 3 of them progress to baptism every year or so.

    Very very few Latino immigrants, who grew up in hovels very likely with dirt floors and no running water before spending their life savings to get here, are familiar with the inforamtion available on the internet.

    While it is true that poor immigrants are the source of growth, the growth is at a price. The resources expended by the society is not in proportion to what is received in contributions by these individuals.

    This is a contributing factor to the "downsizing" of the society.

  • sir82
    While it is true that poor immigrants are the source of growth, the growth is at a price. The resources expended by the society is not in proportion to what is received in contributions by these individuals.

    Good point.

    And contributions are down even among the English-speaking congregations. In our congo, we send about $200-$250 per month to the Worldwide Work fund. But we get a couple thousand magazines per month, plus lots of orders for books, brochures, CDs, etc. Our accounts servant figured that based on the prices from 15 (!) years ago, if we were ordering that amount of literature every month, the price would be something like $800+. At some point we are scheduled to have a "Local Needs" part on this.

    Our congregation is by no means poor--we are located in one of the wealthier suburbs of a growing metropolitan area.

    It seems that people are "voting with their pocketbooks", as some posters note.

  • sspo


    I agree 100%

    In a cong. of 150 pubs. usually there is contibutions of 400 dollars, not a lot of money.

    Pioneers do not have bible studies and if they find someone, usually 3 months and the study is gone.

    At one time Mexico,Italy Japan, Brazil were enjoying 10% increase every year. Today is zero growth.

  • Honesty
    The only ones who come in are either emotionally fragile from losing a loved one or recenty divorced, or a mentally impaired person.

    I wish you would quit talking about me, Daniel. It's embarrassing to be known as the JW's Poster Child.

  • DanTheMan
    There are still a few idiots who amble in from time to time. They seem to like the "love", "family atmosphere", "cleanliness", and "purpose"..

    Hey now. I resemble those remarks. LOL

  • mama1119

    I know at the last two day assembly in this area there was not one single person getting baptized.

  • greendawn

    So what does that mean, that the waters of the great river the Euphrates are drying up on the WTS? There was a time when they were pointing out other religions for not doing so well.

  • moshe

    I know at the last two day assembly in this area there was not one single person getting baptized. That speaks more than words that the preaching work in finished for them. The WT has to come up with any explanation for this slide other than the obvious.

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