In reviewing the new Tract I noticed some interesting dishonesty within; On page three when the WTS is describing 'false religion' riding on the back of the scarlet colored wild beast - they coyly refer to the beast as ' the world's political powers*' - The footnote reads " * For a detailed explanation of this subject, see the book Revelation - Its Grand Climax at Hand published by Jehovah's Witnesses." They completely omit any mention in the tract of the United Nations. How guiling is that? To deliberately leave out the mention of the way they interpret this text! Perhaps we care to guess what has motived such a thing? Sick Bastards! Jeff
Intellectual dishonesty in the New Tract !
by AK - Jeff 24 Replies latest watchtower bible
Yeah they don't want to risk offending anyone until the are interested...
AK - Jeff
Sorry my submittal finger glitched!
Sneaky little old men aren't they.
Star Moore
Jeff, The witnesses are all about tiptoeing around anything controversal now..
I guess it's called: watering down everything!!!
A friend of mine in Washington told me that the WT was still an NGO but re-registered under another name. Is this rumor true? I can't remember how they got the information. But it seems if they are staying clear of mentioning the UN that it may have truth to it?
Does anyone know how we can find out?
- The footnote reads " * For a detailed explanation of this subject, see the book Revelation - Its Grand Climax at Hand published by Jehovah's Witnesses."
What the tract needs to say is: "For a detailed explanation of this subject, see the updates and revisions that are scotch taped inside of the Revelation Climax Book of the Witness who gave you this tract."
I'm still curious as to whether the new rev book still interprets the wild beast as the UN.
I can't remember how they got the information. But it seems if they are staying clear of mentioning the UN that it may have truth to it?
Does anyone know how we can find out?
I'm sure that all NGO's in the United States that are registered with the U.N. are public record. I'm guessing that this info could be requested from the U.N., or obtained through other public records. I just found a link that looks promising:
Thanks Arthur. I think I may try to get this information verified next week.