Ian I think you are looking at 22 years for your family: 14+8.
You're right! *&^%"! maths! But it's not 22 for my family. The 8 years are Linda's and Trev's.
by fullofdoubtnow 50 Replies latest jw friends
Ian I think you are looking at 22 years for your family: 14+8.
You're right! *&^%"! maths! But it's not 22 for my family. The 8 years are Linda's and Trev's.
Been out since 1999 6661
So far we are up to 98 years, and rising
Keep 'em coming
We've been out for 15 years now. So, 30 more years to add to the total.
2 years the end of this month!
I stopped going to meetings completely 5 years ago, but its only been about a year and half since I knew I would never go back.
We're up to 135 in total now, and rising
.first meeting in 1958......last meeting in 1978........1978 - 1958 = 20 long years of slavery..........
2006 - 1978 = 28 totally free years!
I am out 3 years, I Da'd myself.
166 years of freedom so far!!!