When I was disfellowshipped, the elders told me I could have copies of the Watchtower and Awake and any publications for BookStudy etc, but could not have a Kingdom Ministry...does anyone know why that rule????
Why no Kingdom Ministries???
by mama1119 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I was df'd 14 yrs ago so don't really remember too well if I got one of those juicy KMs or not. Seems like a another lame-ass rule to make you feel like crapola for being naughty.
The Kingdom Ministry is printed for use during the scheduled service meeting. For active publishers who go out in service. Since DF'd individuals cannot go out in service as active members of Jehovah's true one congregation?, they are not eligible to receive it.
publishers only are allowed plus children of exemplary baptized publishers
It' one of there stupid little rules they have. If you are inactive you will not be granted the privilege of receiving this 4 page piece of toilet paper each month. It is such a special thing to receive...LOL On the bright side they can't expect you to comment at the service meetings when parts come up cause you don't have one and can't follow along.
When I missed months of field service, and became "irregular" I didn't get a copy of the KM either.
Poztate....tiolet paper...thats hilarious!
The KM's are a litmus test for tricky JW's to find out if certain individuals are active JW's who go to meetings regularly. They use the KM test (usually a one-liner thing from a paragraph)when they chat on the internet with apostates (which, of course, they are forbidden to do, but they do anyway) .
The KM trick is a laughable old school apostasy test for disobedient JW's who browse apostate info' on the net. Isn't it nice to know the kind of people who disfellowshipped you ?
WhoshouldreceiveacopyofOur Kingdom Ministry?Our KingdomMinistry is designed to provide help and encouragement for those who share in the field ministry. Therefore, it is not for general distribution. All baptized publishers and approved associates should receive a copy. Those who regularly attend the Service Meeting and who are making progress toward sharing in the field ministry should also receive a copy. Be sure to reserve a copy for the Kingdom Hall library. Disfellowshipped persons should not be given a copy of OurKingdomMinistry.
Some congregations have found it advantageous to make a list of all persons who qualify and then divide the list up according to Congregation Book Study groups. This list can be used by the study conductors to facilitate distribution, perhaps even typing or neatly writing each person?s name on his copy. Each one who receives a copy of OurKingdomMinistry should take care of it and use it in preparing for the Service Meeting and for field service. Many have found it helpful to keep a file of OurKingdomMinistry in their personal theocratic library for future reference.
My experience was that the bible study conductor (overseer) had several extra copies. I know because my husband was a conductor and I put the names on the KMs because my handwriting was better. I suppose some congregations could quibble and not give someone a KM because they were irregular that month. I knew of people that make photocopies for people if they ran out.
I do miss the threads on the current copy of the KM that was posted on JWD. Wno used to do that?
OurKingdomMinistry is designed to provide help and encouragement for those who share in the field ministry. Therefore, it is not for general distribution. All baptized publishers and approved associates should receive a copy.
The problem with this so-called 'explanation' is that at least a quarter of it was the program for the Sercvice Meetings!
Thus, people attending who hadn't a copy of the KM were at a severe disadvantage.
The anomaly with that was that the "Organisation?" was always 'encouraging' the R&F to invite people to all the meetings! So it seems that the newbiews were going to be fast introduced to the meritocracy known as JWs.