Good Morning All and Happy Sunday to you and your families....
Don't you find that when you are asked by a JW how you are doing, they expect you to say.... horrible, terrible, I am so unhappy..blah blah blah. Witing for that kind of reply so they can say in return,"Well if you would only return to Jehovah, and his spirit appointed organization you would be happy again." You know the drill.
But does that REALLY happen?? 99% of the time NO! Contrary to what you are taught as a Witness, those that leave are NOT unhappy. The reason is that most realize you can have a relationship with Jehovah WITHOUT the organization!
Personally, the only unhappiness I have is because all of the LIES being spread about me and my familiy from the JWs themselves. Lies like, we are printing and publishing literature, have started a new religon, have started a web site called the "True Jehovahs Witnesses" etc. The treatment from our family that is still brianwshed..that is what gets me down at times. But truely I am so very happy! I know feel like everyone on earth is my brother. And I look at the good others do as something admirable, and acceptable to Jehovah. And each day of life is a blessing now. Instead of looking at it like it is a dread to live another day in this old system, I have a positive outlook. We have been given a wonderful ife, and its up to each one of us what we do with each day. Its all in how you look at things. Sadley, most Witnesses will grow old and die hating the world in which they live. Instead of living each day like a blessing. I find myself looking at life and creation in a whole new way. It is truely refreshing! And in turn, it makes me happy. is enjoyable to have the oppotunity when asked by a JW how you are, to reply that you have never been better, are so very happy, and tell them of all the postive things going on in your life. They are always so confused by this it always leaves them speechless. It is like a robot who has been given a command that just spins and puffs out of control because it is totally confused with the information. It just doesn't compute!! The look on their face is priceless!
So.. the best revenge for being labeled as an "Apostate" is...Happiness. Wouldn't you agree? What have been your experiences regarding this??
Lady Liberty