What Excuses Did You Make To Get Out Of "Theocratic Activities"?

by minimus 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Telling the elders the truth would be quite novel. "The meetings are boring". Now that would be a very good excuse!

  • luna2

    I was never that truthful min. I got so I'd say that I just wasn't up to it or that I was tired, but I never told them that the meetings sucked.

  • Dismembered
    What Excuses Did You Make To Get Out Of "Theocratic Activities"?

    No clean undies, and my necktie needed ironing.


  • chiddy

    I hated talks on the ministry school , so an often used lie was to call my old man or wife and tell her I was stuck in terrible traffic..

  • jaguarbass

    If you dont believe it any more you just dont go. If you believe it you go.

  • purplesofa

    ummmmmmm NO, can't go tonight.

    Gotta go buy some gum or something.

  • Virgochik

    When I was in school, I missed alot of meetings because I had "Caught that bug that's been going around." When mom stayed home with me, I don't think she minded missing either. And sometimes I really was sick with a virus, from being out late and tired and run down. Those meetings on school nights were brutal on a kid!

  • calico

    You know what's sad? All the times I went to the meetings when I had cramps so bad I could barely stand!

  • mkr32208

    You know what... Nobody ever asked me! I had a real alergy problem and would go sit through the song and prayer then go hang out in the parking lot under the speaker pretending to listen... When I finally quit all together then my wife would ask me if I was going I just said "no" I may have told her I was sick a few times but I don't think I did much!

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