During the boring written review, did you really prepare and look up the answers beforehand, or did you just write anything down or did you copy the superdub sitting next to you? Personally I just wrote any old thing down and ticked it as right when they read out the answers. However when I was growing up I had to get loads right or I would face questions from my mum!
Did You Cheat at the Written Review?
by south african beef 20 Replies latest jw friends
I used to hate the
rottenwritten review, and hardly studied for it. Our school overseer used to ask the questions afterwards, and people used to answer up, but I didn't bother. -
I never prepared for it beforehand. Preparing ahead of time with the real questions doesn't give an accurate assessment of what a person knows. That's why schools call it cheating, and I wasn't going to do it.
I usually got one or two questions wrong in the review. I figured that wasn't bad considering I never prepared for meetings, and rarely participated. Most of the time I was getting elbowed in the ribs by my ex for snoozing.
OH MY YES!!! Is there people that didn't????
What a good shout have not heard the WR mentioned for years , wondered even if they still even do it? never needed to cheat it was crap anyway but a break of the usual boredom
I wonder if Jesus gave his disciples a written review?
The whole idea of it was so stupid - I came into the org. after they stopped having to hand them in and NEVER filled mine out. I would take a long bathroom break or walk outside instead. Lilly
I never minded the review, it at least helped me pass the time. I went to most of the meetings then. It was harder when you didn't see the questions until you walked through the door rather than in an insert a few weeks in advance.
Yes, I studied for it. Yes, I cheated, Yes, I hated that boring night. Yes, I marked wrong answers as correct.
Didn't everyone?
Is it any wonder the Witnesses are seen by many as being basically dishonest. The whole system seems geared to dishonesty. Examples: the above cheating on the written review, underlining Watchtower study articles to make it look like they've been read, and the fudging of field service hours. If you're faithful in small things, you'll be faithful in large ones. The JWs seem to be Christendom's Guererro family: encouraged to "lie, cheat and steal" from the word go.
My sis used to go crazy underlining her wt for the study pretending she'd prestudied it for 3 hours